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Opinions on the "Post-March 3d" crowd

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Okay, I'll start with Bill O'Reilly


He's an ignorant conservative jackass (and I have somewhat rightward leanings) and also a hypocrite who's lucky he got so far in life.


Dr. Edison: Now you've done it. Flame threads are always more fun if the victim isn't present...


Are you talking about me or Stoned Dave? Say what you want about me, hell say what you want about Dave too.

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Stupid Ray Romano, who does he thinks he is? Nobody love him. His show should be called Everybody Loathes Raymond. Worst show ever. Well, close anyway.




Oh and everybody play nice, or I might be forced to shut this sucker down.

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Let's make fun of *cough!* world leaders. I'll start.


George W. Bush is a genetically engineered super chimp created by the dark and unknown scientists owned by a company tributary to Halliburton whose sole purpose in being is to say the right thing at the right time in front of television cameras just enough to get elected in peacetime, then dance madly like a puppet on strings when the world stage gets dicey as his controllers coordinate everything from oil markets to the world court in their bid to bring all of human civilization under their dominion.


Just to be fair, John Kerry ain't much better. :dozey:


Did I mention Tony Blair likes it in the bum?

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

George W. Bush is a genetically engineered super chimp created by the dark and unknown scientists owned by a company tributary to Halliburton whose sole purpose in being is to say the right thing at the right time in front of television cameras just enough to get elected in peacetime, then dance madly like a puppet on strings when the world stage gets dicey as his controllers coordinate everything from oil markets to the world court in their bid to bring all of human civilization under their dominion.

I always wondered why I like Bush, now I know.

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God I hate the guy who made it a rule all kids lunch boxes today plastic! I mean, how are the little pale, weak kids supposed to knock a bully out with an 'effin plastic box! Back when I was in elementry school, we had a material called metal, and it kicked ass. I remember one kid had a faceprint in his from one kids face, and he carried it around all the time.


Zoom Rabbit, please banish this mans soul to the bowels of hell... or Detroit. whichever is easier.

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i ahte the march 3rd crowd as well


and im not one, but i am working on the fan game too


all of the amrch 3rd kiddies who said they wanted to help us work on it either a) joined our forum, but dont do **** *OR* b) never even showed up at the forum, instead asking us 1 million times on this forum for a link, which we gave out



PS: hjeyr dr. edison you joined in march 2004

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PS: hjeyr dr. edison you joined in march 2004


I know, it's my semi-secret shame.


Back to the topic, I hate Jerry Seinfeld. He's a prick (showing off all his cars and money and such) and his standup act is terribly unfunny.


And the best thing about those old ninja turtles shows is the nostalgia you get from it.

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