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Tusken Raiders hit towns

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I took part in this live event. Look at the red dots, that made this a total lag fest.


Ive reduced the quality of the image to make it easier to view for those on modems



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We are intruders in their lands, they are fearsly territorial, you better believe they would raid us. :)


But a whole town, I don't know.


I took part of a live event once, in Theed, at the palace, old combat droids going crazy. :)

That was a total lag fest, not to mention hard as hell. :D


Didn't know it was going to happen, just arrived in Theed when I saw people starting to run off. Didn't know what was going on at first, then someone yelled: "The palace is under attack!" "Droid attack!"


So I thought I would check it out, and got caught in the crossfire so to speak. :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

basically the live event is for the 14 day trial thing to show people that this sort of thing goes on alot....but true long suffering players know otherwise.


I have never seen so many tuskens and to have them spawn in town makes it play silly



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

basically the live event is for the 14 day trial thing to show people that this sort of thing goes on alot....but true long suffering players know otherwise.



Yes, it really depends who you vote for as Mayor (or was it Govenor?) of Bestine. There's 2 guys, one who run for office with the promise of increased profit (I think it was) and another who warns people that the city should increase it's militia because of the Tusken threat. If the latter wins, Tuskens will attack the city. :)

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Yeesh, thats pretty bad. I just got back from Naboo and I'm gonna stay on my toes now. But I should be able to fend them off now that I can hit 400 damage and I only have a level 2 rifle skill. :D

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Fearsome desert savages inhabiting the rocky Jundland Wastes, Tusken Raiders are the foremost reason Tatooine colonists do not wander far from their isolated communities. Extremely territorial and xenophobic, Tusken Raiders will attack with very little provocation. They show no allegiance to even their native world-mates, as these nomads have attacked Jawa scouting parties on occasion. They have even gathered numbers large enough to attack the outskirts of smaller towns like Anchorhead.

so we were all right :craider: :craider:

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