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Ok, it's cool but what now?


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Hi there,


I'm a noob (yeah yeah point at me and laugh ;) ) and SWG is the first MMORPG i played. I'm really impressed by the whole world and its scope and the possibilities that emerge from the settings (harvesting system, biulding, crafting, trading etc.).


However I played for some days now and got some skills (scout at most, try to get creature handler) but what i really ask myself is: WHAT IS THERE TO DO?


I mean there must be something besides luring around the cities and killing animals or accepting missions and then kill animals :) is there some way to get different, more adventurous quests? what should I do to get a lil fun? any suggestions? Everything is welcomed...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Welcome to Galaxies. Where theres nothing about Star Wars in it!


You can get extremely dull missions from people in the middle of now where, or from cantinas etc but there is nothing to really sink your teeth into, apart from overly difficult and down right stupid Death Watch Bunker - only supplying content for the power gamer.


nOObs just have to carry on hammering nuna.



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i know... i'm now considering on getting a suscription (currently 14 days trial) but i need a lil more spice in the game... shooting critters isn't more fun even if you have more skills, i guess. so i'm still a bit sceptical.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

After spending hours upon hours of grinding, you can go to other planets and take out bigger critters - like rancors for example. Join up with hunting groups etc to build cash and xp


Galaxies is a grind. A hard grind and really only rewards those that spend hours a day grinding ( i wont use the word playing).


Its taken a year but Galaxies is about to get its first real Star Wars looking content - with the Corvette but its super hard, which means that new players, or medium skilled players will get killed in 1 or 2 shots - no fun.


Over the past year, Galaxies has been the biggest disappointment of the year. Someone mentioned an award, ive seen the trailers and i burst out laughing at who gave them the awards - they were 'nobody magazines'.


people say you make your own content. but if all the content is the same, it becomes SO boring. If you decide to chose a faction, you can find revamped battlefields (revamp is used alot in the game) which adds some spice to your gaming.


Either way, in 14 days, its hard to gauge a scope for the game because it is huge but there just isnt enough interest to match the scope.


I pray Jump to lightspeed adds alot more to the game but its money you have to spend again for improvements that should already be there (not the space side of things) .



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Thx a lot for the post DarthMaulUK. i too hope jump to light speed will bring a bit of diversity to the gameplay... i think the fundament for a cool MMORPG are there in SWG but it just lacks the execution in gameplay.

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I found it rather fun, in the beginning.


I learned that warning shot was an effective tool when you are "young" to ward off animals and creatures that wander too close to you. :)

An effective "croud" control you might say. Once I was able to hit for more points I was able to take on even the tough skinned Pikets on Dantooine, tall long necked creatures, kinda like the Ronto - the one that those Jawas was tossed off of in the Special Edition Star Wars.

I used to take Bolls before that, but I found that Pikets were better, if slightly tougher, beacuse they run slower than the Bolls, which gave me better time to scare them off.


I didn't used to kill them, just scare them off then hit the lair, for alittle XP and alot of cash. :)

But sometimes I had to put them to sleep though. :(


I love how that the way you act towards animals, they will counter react to you. :) Even if an animal shows off as red, it doesn't have to mean that it will attack you. It just means it is more liekly to attack you than a yellow one. :)

Depending on the animal, act non agressively towards them and they will leave you alone. Run at them and be prepared to fight or get stumped down. :D


Naturally, this rarely works against red carnivor animals, for obvious reasons. :p

They're just downright nasty. :D

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Originally posted by keyser

I mean there must be something besides luring around the cities and killing animals or accepting missions and then kill animals :) is there some way to get different, more adventurous quests? what should I do to get a lil fun? any suggestions? Everything is welcomed...


lol... no thats it.. thats the game. I quit the game because there was a lack of "adventurous quests" And because of all the freakn grind-hardcore fest

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Originally posted by Tatoo

lol... no thats it.. thats the game. I quit the game because there was a lack of "adventurous quests" And because of all the freakn grind-hardcore fest


i didnt care for the quests in morrowind so im not going to care for the quests in this game ,big whoop QUESTS OOOOHHH,who cares about quests,morrowind so far is my favorite rpg ,hopefully when i get galaxies ,it will replace morrowind!!!

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Originally posted by reelguy227

i didnt care for the quests in morrowind so im not going to care for the quests in this game ,big whoop QUESTS OOOOHHH,who cares about quests,morrowind so far is my favorite rpg ,hopefully when i get galaxies ,it will replace morrowind!!!



I agree that Morrowind is the best RPG ever. Maybe the BEST GAME ever. I don't play it anymore but, hell, did I enjoy that game. But my question is... how can you enjoy Morrowind if you don't care about quests? I mean you can walk around exploring wich is really greate since it is so beauteful and interesting. But after you seen all the stuff?


Galaxies is far away from Morrowind. Galaxies got NOTHING compared to Morrowind. Morrowind got the quests, rewards, the interesting locations (that also give something unique to do in every new mystic location) SWG got none of that I tell ya. I will be very disapointed if Galaxies goes to your heart more then Morrowind. If Morrowind would be a MMORPG, I would be the happiest MMORPG player on earth I can tell you that!

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hrrrm... here's a novel idea... why not make some friends and try some Role Playing. After all, this is Role Playing game isn't it?


errr... sorry for my newbieness... is Role Playing a dirty phrase around here?


I've heard a lot of people make complaints about grinding and dull missions and so forth. I've heard that same complaint about Ultima Online and every other MMORPG.


If you are bored with grinding and missions... then why do it?


On my third day in the game, I came back to Bestine from a mission and was *accousted* my Role Playing Imperials in Storm Trooper armor. They demanded to know my business, why I was wandering out of town, what was I up to... etc...


All in all, they detained me for about 30 minutes... sure, I could have walked away at any time, but you know what? It was FUN.


It made me feel like I was in the Star Wars universe and not just doing boring stuff.

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Newbie here too - who was looking for a genuine Star Wars experience.


I can see the game is vast is scope and visually impressive.


However in 6 days of play - I have had two genuine RP encounters with PCs. Conversations are all focused instead on how much XP for this and that, and where to get this that and the other.


Even the dialogue in the films is better.


I am sure I will come to know the PCs in the Imperial faction better the longer I play and meet them all... but I am afriad that Faction versus Faction seems to be the province of powergrinders.


I think I will play a little longer - and gather a large stock of credits - to support the true vocation I want - TIE Fighter pilot in the JTL.


I wil then add SW:Battlefront to compliment the space based battles - which will probably include more RP!


Kith Anadian


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I wil then add SW:Battlefront to compliment the space based battles - which will probably include more RP!


Maybe its just me that thought this but...


I hope you dont think Battlefront is another add-on for SWG, because im afraid it isnt, its a standalone, which, if im correct, is first person and is nothing like SWG, think of it as... Call of Duty or something, only in the Star Wars realm.


Sounds like a good bases of a game to me! :p

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

is first person and is nothing like SWG, think of it as... Call of Duty or something, only in the Star Wars realm.


Sounds like a good bases of a game to me! :p



It is like BattleField1942/Vietnam but in a Starwars realm and I think there will be no Jedis :p

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Originally posted by Tatoo

I agree that Morrowind is the best RPG ever. Maybe the BEST GAME ever. I don't play it anymore but, hell, did I enjoy that game. But my question is... how can you enjoy Morrowind if you don't care about quests? I mean you can walk around exploring wich is really greate since it is so beauteful and interesting. But after you seen all the stuff?


Galaxies is far away from Morrowind. Galaxies got NOTHING compared to Morrowind. Morrowind got the quests, rewards, the interesting locations (that also give something unique to do in every new mystic location) SWG got none of that I tell ya. I will be very disapointed if Galaxies goes to your heart more then Morrowind. If Morrowind would be a MMORPG, I would be the happiest MMORPG player on earth I can tell you that!


thats the thing tatoo ,with morrowind you would have to play it for at least 3 months straight to explore everything in the game,i was a big RPer and quests didnt matter much to me ,i especially loved the stronghold aspect of it .

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Originally posted by reelguy227

,i was a big RPer and quests didnt matter much to me ,i especially loved the stronghold aspect of it .


A Roleplayer? How can you be a roleplayer in a singleplayer game? I mean... sure you can go around and kill everyone and be "the most evil nutcase in Morrowind" but since it is a single player game you will end up playing with yourself as you did with your He-Man toys as a kid.

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It is like BattleField1942/Vietnam but in a Starwars realm and I think there will be no Jedis :p


I hope there wont be any Jedi's, and luckily, i dont think there will be, no sighting of them in any of the trailers/screenshots, so its looking good! :D Cant wait for it to come out. Definatly getting it on PC, cant imagine how hard the controls will be on PS2

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well after a few days of testing i decided not to buy the game. the lack of 'big' quests and a general feel of 'adventure' turn me away from it, there isn't any excitement in the game (except the first few hours of playing it)... it's a real shame, because as i said before the basics are there but you know... grinding all for its own sake isn't much fun.


so farewell fellow seekers of adventure, may our paths cross again on another battlefield!





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