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Are You A Sith OR A Jedi? *spoilers*


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hey guys


so are you on the light or the dark side of the force?..i am on the dark side and finsihed the game a few times by going on the dark side...and i think battling kyle is harder than battleing tavion possessed...



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not entirely accurate. the line between good and bad depending on how things are defined. If you are an imperial, the Light side and Jedi are bad as they continue to enforce outdated philosophies and seek to retrain the voice of reason and order through endless debates and long drawn out desicion making process. the Imperials view their rule as complete and productive with little room for lengthy processes. desicions are made quickly and are followed without question.


the Dark Side of the force is more or less a thirst for power as quickly as possible among other things. its not necisarly evil, but those imployed in its ways tend to deplore weakness and disorder. theres no reason to believe that Dark Lords or Siths are evil by nature, but more rash and prone to quick response by a show of force rather than diplomacy.


the Light side, i guess, focus' more on wisdom, symbiotic relationship with the force, and a focus on peaceful methods of solving conficts. Not to say that Dark Side practitionors dont also seek Wisdom, but their emphasis on controling the force is contridictory of light side practicionors.


Im sure there have been many Jedi, in a thirst for power, worked their way up the Jedi ranks to the ultimate goal of being on the council. does that make them evil or more incline to be falling to the dark force than the light side. Any good Jedi employs an equal dedication to the balance of both sides. Extremes on either can leave them with a warped sense of reality and they could be inclinded to act, regardless on how just they feel it is, contrary to the teachings of the Jedi Order.


or, all of this could be BS and just understand that some people just like to find shortcuts to control and dark force users tend to like shortcuts as opposed to actually working hard and earning them. still, not completely evil or good.

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BOTH! I have grip level 3 and lightning level 3 for DS. Fir LS I had level 3 Heal and level 3 protect. The thing is I always had all 4 of those powers. For light or Dark it was the same. For the KOR levels LS was easier but, but for the KOR boss LS was harder. For DS KOR WAS HARD BUT, the boss was EASY!

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Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet

But since what makes protecting people good? Is there some kind of standerd. Were just used to it being that way. Mabey in the SW universe, killing people is good.


There are some general things that just do not change...killing innocent people randomly is NEVER good...

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