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Wookie Bowcaster. . .?

Darth MarcII

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I just jumped in for the 2 week trial, i'm a Wookie and I have someone who wants to sell me a Wookie bowcaster for 2K. It does minmum 150 points damage, max like 400, I think. I know Wookies are the only ones who can effectively wield this weapon. Good deal?


He is a Zabrak hunter who bought it not knowing about the limitations for it on non-Wookies. He says he rather sell it than just destroy it or drop it. Also, is the bowcaster a good weapon?



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What's the speed on it? I can't tell you how good it is until I know the speed. :)



Once you know the speed, max dmg, and min dmg, you can work out the weapons DPS value (Damage Per Second).



The formula goes like this:

min dmg + max dmg / 2 / speed = DPS


This only works well to compare equal weapons though, as in which D18 is better than the next D18. I've found out it's not a good way to compare different weapontypes such as comparing say a D18 with a DL44. :)

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The formula goes like this:

min dmg + max dmg / 2 / speed = DPS


This only works well to compare equal weapons though, as in which D18 is better than the next D18. I've found out it's not a good way to compare different weapontypes such as comparing say a D18 with a DL44.



Uh, sorry, but does this mean...


Minimum damage + Maximum damage divided by 2 divided by the speed?


Sorry im a little "slower" than some other people... :p


Also, i take it the higher the DPS is the better? What should a good weapon usually get? Is there like... benchmarks or something?

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Yes, and yes. :)


A good score varies depending on the weapon type, but when you start to come over 40 it's starting to get very good. :)


Shop around, find out who sells the best weapons, that's my advice to you. If you find many that has very similar DPS values, you can pretty much conclude that this is a good weapon. Especially if it has high damage and low speed. Depending on the weapon, low speed on a rifle could be 4, while a pistol good speed would be around 1-2. Carbine comes in between.

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