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The X-Wing Alliance database entry


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It's great to see the database getting a good workover. In the XWing Alliance entry;




It is stated


" Alliance is more of an action game than a flight simulator, as are many of Totally Games' releases. "



I really don't agree with that. Sure it's not some geeky technical flight simulator like some old Microprose USAF Fighter game. And you don't have to worry about take off and landing, but the fly anywhere, engine/laser/shields power juggling & the "open" way in which missions can be completed sure make the game as close to a simulator as you're going to get in the Star Wars universe.


Just a look at the XWA keyboard guide will show you there are far too many commands to consider it an action-game, surely?


The starfighter and rogue squadron games are what I would reserve the "action / arcade" moniker for, not the brilliant Totally Games X-wing series.



(I also disagree with much of the Force Commander write-up, but that's for another thread ;) )

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Despite the insane about of controls (I think there's a hundred or something!) the missions are based around flying after things and blowing them up.


The insane amount of controls is to the game's detriment, if it was a flight sim (?!) it would be a bonus, ergo it's more action than sim.


But honestly dude, there's a whole world outside your window!

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> Despite the insane about of controls (I think there's a hundred or something!) the missions are based around flying after things and blowing them up. The insane amount of controls is to the game's detriment, if it was a flight sim (?!) it would be a bonus, ergo it's more action than sim.


Now you're just being silly.


In your opinion, exactly what features would a Star Wars flight simulator need to have to make it fit into the 'simulator' genre rather than the 'action' genre.


Compared with the other Star Wars spaceship based games, the xwing series is obviously much more simulation than action (a la the Rogue Squadron & Starfighter series). Scouting missions. Surveilance missions, cargo-pick up and drop off. Escort missions. And yes, plenty of 'blow things up missions'.


> But honestly dude, there's a whole world outside your window!


What the **** is that for? I provide feedback on a database entry, and you insult me personally?






If you don't want feedback on your database entries, fair enough. I wasn't aware that other's opinions, thoughts, contributions and ideas were not wanted.

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Originally posted by ThunderPeel2001



Funniest thing I've read ages, thanks for that.


As for the "sim" bit, it's debatable that it's even possible for there to be a simulation of something that isn't real to begin with.




I think he has a valid point and i don't see what insulting him adds to the discussion.


If you can't say anything worth saying don't say anything at all.


Also, i agree with you jp-30, imho when you fly around in something the whole time with alot of controls its a Flight Simulator. (You simulate the flight... tee)

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ThunderPeel, you continue to be rude and dismissive, and have failed to specifically address any of the points I've raised.


I'd expect more courtesy from a mixnmojo staffer, and a willingness to actually discuss points being posted.


> it's debatable that it's even possible for there to be a simulation of something that isn't real to begin with.


There's absolutely no reason something that's fictional cannot be simulated. Many of the planes in the 'secret weapons' (both LucasArts & the BF1942 expansion) games never flew in reality.


And LucasArts put "space combat simulator" on its x-wing series boxes and all over the game's website, which (ignoring all the previous points, as is your wont) is a reasonably good reason to consider the game part of the Sim genre, no?

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