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lord haine i am shocked i thought we were umm ummm something well thats not the point


i meet i droid engineer a bio engineer an architect and a master fencer, the last three were part of my guild and the wanted to help so they each gave me 50k and the droid engineer gave me 30k and other people gave me around 5k


And how do you cheat w/swg?

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lord haine i am shocked i thought we were umm ummm something well thats not the point


Hehehe sorry about that, although i have known people to lie about stuff in SWG, on these other forums someone said they 500,000 by the end of there first week, and they were lieing, they could show any proof with a screenshot or whatever, and ive known numerous people to lie about things on games, so im just abit weary. No offence meant.


And you cant cheat on SWG. And i wouldnt ask that question again unless you want to get yourself banned. :)

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i meant why would you cheat


Oh i see, sorry i misunderstood you, well, i dont know why you would cheat at a game like SWG. Its pointless, boring, and basically... Cheating. Heh.


I was able to make about 200,000 credits within two days thanks to stat migrations (and even tips!).

Stat migration?

Is that a joke or something? :confused:

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yeah well... once players find out that other players have like millions of credits to spare they charge immorale prices. my guild and city doesnt go along with it tho. i think we are selling products the cheapest in all the starsider server.


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Wraith I definitely suggest you shop around for imagers. I got reimaged for nothing. The guy just wanted the XP. You also can find some novice doctors who will buff you for nothing, just for the XP.

look its not that i use ID's like.... well ever :) its the point of overcharging...


just because SOME players are rich as hell doesnt mean you have to charge outragous prices :)


and yes im a doc.. and buff myself :)


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by flamefls

your only a doc nothing else?

oh no no no.

im one of the weakest fighting professions :):p Pistoleer. my one true combat love :) im doing it for a second time now. after i tried rifleman *points at sig pic* but after i was like halfway in that i stated to get really bored with it. so now im pistoleer again.


Wraith 8


edit: and uhm im not a doc for money. im a doc cause i love the profession. being able to revive, heal a lot. heal poison, disease. its great to help out other players in game.


my buff fee for buffing someone else is: 6000 credits fro a full set of 3 hour 2100 buffs.

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