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Hello all... a new user here. =)


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Hi all.


I had no idea there was a live, up to date, current, active community for the Lucas Arts adventure games... when I found this website I nearly flipped. :D


I hope to be an active participant here in the coming future (not that the future is ever not coming).


I'd have to say that Grim Fandango is perhaps the best quality game I've ever played, if perhaps not the one I enjoyed most (if that makes any sense). It is certainly the classiest game I've seen, and it introduced me to the Lucas Arts games, and thus to the Monkey Island series. I've only ever played (and owned) the Curse of Monkey Island, and Escape from Monkey Island (and Grim Fandago, of course).


One thing to add: I recently reinstalled EFMI, and I've been playing through it one last time (trying to do everything possible, making sure not to miss anything). One problem though, my saved games have been taking a very long time to create, as in having to wait 3-4 minutes just to save. No lack of disk space, and it's not computer speed, seems to be a memory loop or something. Anyone heard of this problem, or have a suggestion on how to fix it? Just a minor inconveniece, but one I'd like to be rid of.


Thanks all. :)

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Howdy there!


I am kind of new to this community myself.

I find it great to see that there is still a place these days where truly classic, involving games (that sadly seem to be going out of fashion) are still remembered and adored.


A big thumbs up to everyone out there; I hope you folks in the States had a good fourth of July.


PS. I've never played Grim Fandango, but lately that title has been popping up everywhere I go - maybe it's a sign that the time has come to buy it! I never got the chance to and it kind of passed me by. Maybe when I have some more free time.

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Originally posted by Dassassin

One thing to add: I recently reinstalled EFMI, and I've been playing through it one last time (trying to do everything possible, making sure not to miss anything). One problem though, my saved games have been taking a very long time to create, as in having to wait 3-4 minutes just to save. No lack of disk space, and it's not computer speed, seems to be a memory loop or something. Anyone heard of this problem, or have a suggestion on how to fix it? Just a minor inconveniece, but one I'd like to be rid of.


Thanks all. :)


That questions belongs in the technical help forum.


And Strasse, the time to buy Grim is now since you don't know if LEC is going to take it out of it's company store or if you're not American buy it anyway.

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Originally posted by Dr Edison 007


And Strasse, the time to buy Grim is now since you don't know if LEC is going to take it out of it's company store or if you're not American buy it anyway.

Good enough for me! Time to go shopping :)



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Okay, first, Strasse, just buy the game, buy the game now, don't even think about it, just buy it, buy it now, now!


Oh, and welcome.


And Dassassin, welcome also and the thing with your game, you probably haven't got enough virtual memory, and depending on what operating system your using, you may not be able to change that, are you using XP?

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