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Insanity's Answer to the Kaadu


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i >CAN< make it a playermodel, i have done those humanoid howlers, but it seems that you have completly no idea about player models, i dont want to screw up the model just for making it look like humanoid, this model is really nice, and a humanoid raptor wouldnt be as cool as a raptor,at least for me, and to make you know, this model wasnt done to fit in the humanoid skelleton (the articualtions, tail, etc..)

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Originally posted by LightNinja

well well, it is almost done in animations :cool:, also ill have to weight that claw of the foots (i didnt) and make it move too in the run and walk animations, it only need the run, and the pain (when you hit it) animations, i also did 2 melee animations which consist in one bitting with the mouth and the second hitting with the claws : ); one death animation...mmm i think ill so one more stand animation...,mmmh...., i have to add all the tags needed for it to attack, and for be a mount...and then ill take the ***king UWMaps which the head ones (interior-mouth) are making me wanting to crash the PC...and thats all.

Turn it into a gif, and upload it at http://www.imageshack.us
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ok so the avi was 124MB, and it was reduced to 6, but that isnt fine anyway; i could do one of tfighter like gifs, but it wouldnt show what i want hehe :p

BTW the polys are ok, i just have to cut the model into hands, head, body, legs, etc.. and that is pretty easy

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@Stake Black: My Jurassic Park map will be done in steps - first is the Raptor Pen. You can download a Beta-Version of it on JK2files.com but it's well a real beta-version, cause it's for JK2 *cough* and has no Raptor and no lights *lol* But I improved the map now - just waiting for the Raptor to put in.


@LightNinja: I have no experience with making models - but doesn't it need sounds? If so I can give you a lot of, 'cause I recorded all from the Jurassic Park movies. Just tell me, what you need :)


Anyway: Good job! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

btw about the *.avi how big are they? May be I can put them on my server and post the link here.

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Trent it was 128MB, in .gif it was 6MB, anyway i cant send anywhere 6MB so this sux; btw i found a fix that i did while this forums where f*cked up.

It was just a Reset Xform and an anoying reweight which i havent finished yet (it was good cuz i fixed some weighting things) , also now i have fixed some errors in the walk animations and it is perfect, yes it has a balancing move of the weight which will make it realistic.

I just have a bad feeling with how to make the melee animations work which i hope will be fine ( its cuz it crouch after attacking ) and thats all at the moment.


PS: Im on vacation so ill take a rest ;)

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Just so you know, primary melee attack would be with its footclaws. Raptors have been described as "prehistoric martial artists" by the leading scientists in the field. An attack with the footclaw on a small organism would be a lot like Neo kicking the guard at the end of the lobby in The Matrix. I whipped up a crappy GIF to show you what I'm talking about:




So yeah, that should be the primary attack. I guess he would have to land facing in the same direction though, so maybe you can make him sort of push off of the person he attacks and land back in his original position. That make sense? I dunno if I'm being clear here. :p

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Originally posted by Stake Black

Now u have to skin it, rite?

Btw, i just saw that ur JA is in spanish :D

Nop, my job is put it ingame :), and my JA is in spanish cuz im spanish :rolleyes:

Thrawn ill do it, but i dont know how it will look ingame. For some reason it just do the attack2 movement and not the attack1 wich is a mouth attack. Also ill balanace a bit more the walk/run animation and i'll make it jump higher when running.

Also does anybody knows how to make an animation move faster?

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Originally posted by LightNinja

Nop, my job is put it ingame :), and my JA is in spanish cuz im spanish :rolleyes:

Well I'm Israeli, does that mean that my JA is in hebrew??? I believe the different voices are only for german and french though. Damn they for not thinking about the rest of the world...


ANYWAY, you make the animation faster in the animation.cfg, it's the last(forth) number.

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WOW! That looks awsome! *_* I wanna see it move :cry7: You could do an ingame movie with Fraps... well... doesn't matter. If you work with that speed It'll be finished soon :D


Just a question: Will you prog an NPC-personality for it?


@Thrawn: Well actually the jumped on their target, grabed it with hand + foot claws and then bit it.

So the Raptor attackt with all his weapons ;)


Ah one thing more: LightNinja, may be you could send me the giv or avi or whatever through ICQ?

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Jurancor park is a map...I think its supposed to be some kind of parody of jurassic park...Wait 'n see


Originally posted by Thrawn42689

Er, I'd like to point out at this point that raptors don't attack with their mouths. Ever. :p Thems is for eating. They just use their hand and foot claws.


Not realy, he could bite someones shoulder =P But i dont know if the game supports that animation...


PS: is he gonna be a vehicle too?

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