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Reign Of The Sith Mod Is Out

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Remove the subtitles? I like subtitles, don't make me Force Wedgie you. ;)


The voice acting is good, but do you think you can make them sound a bit more like the other sithies?

Not the actual voice, but the sound, like they speak through an intercom or something.

Isn't there an effect like that you can apply to your sounds?


Still, it's pretty good.


Oh crap, the elephants are coming back.:eek:

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Unfortunately I do not have the money to buy the supplies needed for this, but what i do is i poke holes in a soda can, put it over my mike and it sounds kinda like it. If anyone can find a cheep Sound Effects tool for me I would be more than glad to do it. But dont forget I dont have millions of dollars.

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Well, I am unsure of the question. I save them as mp3's and put them in the folder. Errrr, how do you mean:confused:

You just answered my question. It does work when you do it right?


Originally posted by Gsccc

Unfortunately I do not have the money to buy the supplies needed for this, but what i do is i poke holes in a soda can, put it over my mike and it sounds kinda like it. If anyone can find a cheep Sound Effects tool for me I would be more than glad to do it. But dont forget I dont have millions of dollars.

Use the Trial version of Goldwave. Choose Bandpass-Stop

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Unfortunately I do not have the money to buy the supplies needed for this, but what i do is i poke holes in a soda can, put it over my mike and it sounds kinda like it. If anyone can find a cheep Sound Effects tool for me I would be more than glad to do it. But dont forget I dont have millions of dollars.

LOL, the manual way! :D

I'm sure I can dig up some freeware or open source sound editing progs for ya,

I'll post links here when I find something.:)

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Originally posted by Glamador

there is an option to turn off subtitles...didnt u know that? it onliy reminds me of it evry time i play with those stupid hints they give u at loading screens!...i dont like subtitles...


I know about that, I've seen it on the loading screens about a million times...;)


But don't make me Force Wedgie you.:p

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Ok, i did the VO for Radon, it is pretty good too. I couldnt get the .lip file to work though i just used a resref from Lena's convo. The sound file is called newb. So his lips don't move. Glamador will you go nuts on me again if his lips don't move?

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:queen Unfortunately, without Darth333, and she hasn't been here for a couple of days, we won’t be able to get much of anything done. Darth333 if you are out there, we still need the SetGlobalVariable thing and we need help on the thing where the sith follow you into battle. I’m not the modder but Gsccc really needs help.
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This would only work for one npc that has the tag declared in the script:

void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();
object oTroop=GetObjectByTag("sithguy");



This will make the Sith follow the player until he dies. You should trigger this with a trigger or at the end of a dialog(if you do this make it the verylast thing!)

The oPC is who the sith will follow

Hope this helps! Oh yeah, tags are CaSe SeNsItIvE!


Edit: Make sure the Faction of the Sith with the tag of "sithguy" is 2.

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The reason chuck, i mean Gsccc, is not writing this post is because when he saw what you wrote Stormtrooper, he dropped his book and ran straight to the computer. He said for me to say this from him.

Stormtrooper789, you have just saved my life! I now have the energy i need to keep modding! You rock more than the Appalations! Thank you very much and I will be posting my new mod soon!

Guess he is pretty happy. Thanks.

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It didnt work, I did the script and at first it didnt compile so i chanved it to

void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();
object oTroop=GetObjectByTag("sithguy");


Then it compiled, but the guy doesnt follow me, i did what you said, he has the right tag, case sensetive, i attached it to his dialogue. Nothing happens.

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Well you guys, after a looooong two nights of making an attempt to mod this horrible situation I may be joining Fred, and Darth333. Unless I am able to figure out how to make a dialogue Starting conditional, with DLGEdit, so that the people will ask you to do somehting and you do it they will say something else the next time. I have no idea what to do I have tried everything. If someone could help me that would be great, otherwise, this may be my last visit.


BTW: I have noticed that less and less people are coming here. Does anyone even play kotor anymore? Will anyone play it when my mod comes out?

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Gsccc may have over exagurated when he said that, he found out how to do it, or at least he thinks he did, he is having problems because with testing, he cant get into his module. He's taking a brake right now playing Psi-Ops. So dont worry just yet people.

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Tons of people do! Darth333 probly just on vaction and the only reason Fred quit was because he didn't have a chocie, he had money problems.


Edit: opps I was writing before you had posted, but you know I'm haveing the same problems with my module if Gcsss figures it out please tell me!

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