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Lord of the Rings : Return of the King game for Xbox


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My brother bought this yesterday and we wanted to play co-operative, but we can't figure out how! We press start when I start a mission, we try everything but we can't get it to work. So he let me borrow it for a day and I've completed the Crack of Doom level [or something like that] and I'm still confused on how to play Co-operative.


Can anyone give me help?

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Err, don't matter. The game store gave us the wrong game, it had the Return of the King case but a Two Towers game cd and I didn't even know! ^^;


Sorry about that. But we got another copy and this time it was RotK!

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Originally posted by Pal™

Err, don't matter. The game store gave us the wrong game, it had the Return of the King case but a Two Towers game cd and I didn't even know! ^^;



* Remembers how he after watching LOTR about ten times Frodo mistook for Aragorn *



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Originally posted by Pal™

Err, don't matter. The game store gave us the wrong game, it had the Return of the King case but a Two Towers game cd and I didn't even know! ^^;





You didn't notice the title screen of the game said Two Towers?




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Originally posted by Pie™

Uh, wait a minute :confused:

If you had the Two Towers disc, how could you complete the Crack Of Doom level? :confused:

Maybe he´s just saying that to make him look a "bit" smart afterall. :p

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Originally posted by Pie™

Uh, wait a minute :confused:

If you had the Two Towers disc, how could you complete the Crack Of Doom level? :confused:


I must of err.. Misread the levels. I am kinda clumbsy. >.<

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Originally posted by Pal™

Err, don't matter. The game store gave us the wrong game, it had the Return of the King case but a Two Towers game cd and I didn't even know!







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