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The future of Star Wars Gaming

Darth Groovy

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*apologies in advance for repeating this post in multiple forums, but I NEED feedback!*


You know, I started sort of a rant in this thread about Star Wars games in general, and I felt this would be a thread worthy discussion about the material that exists in Star Wars games, and a good place for some positive/negative feedback.


Basically I wanted to clearify, that I don't HATE the current SW titles already on the market, but I wanted to point out that what I feel really SELLS Star Wars games is the relationship between elements of the movies and the action that follows. Honeslty, the best parts of Dark Forces, were running around and fragging Stormtroopers, and interacting with characters and creatures that appeared in the original films such as Boba Fett, and Jabba The Hutt. I'm not saying the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series had "bad" story elements, but in the end, what made the games fun was being in that Star Wars universe and feeling like your in one of the movies.


First SW game I really ENJOYED was Super Star Wars for SNES . The first time I ran the trench battle at the end of the game, I truly felt like Luke, and after several failures I literally closed my eyes before fireing the torpedoes into the mine shaft, and finally won the game. I was so exited, I literally had a beer party that night in celebration! Friends of mine were so HOOKED on that game. Now granted, it WAS a side scroller, that involved ALOT of TEDIOUS platform jumping, but all in all, for the time, the game was seriously fun, and did the best they could to capture the exitement and pace of the original movies.


Lets face it, alot of the games currently out there are basically clones of games that have already been released. (and some were done alot better to a certain degree.


Jedi Outcast/ Jedi Academy is Quake III with lightsabers.


Galactic Battlegrounds is Age Of Kings II with Star Wars elements.


Star Wars Battlefront is going to be 1942 with Star Wars Elements.


Starfighter/Jedi Starfighter/Rouge Squadron is well.....a flight sim! Flight sims have been around for almost 2 decades!


Even Republic Commando is going to be a FPS based on Unreal technology.


Star Wars Galaxies is basically Everquest, and (arguably) contains Star Wars Elements.


This may get me into some trouble with any wandering member of LucasArts, but I personally feel that there are WAY TOO many titles based on characters from Episodes 1, and 2, and let's face it, not too many of them were too popular amongst serious gamers.


What we want and need is a game that is actually based on the Originally Trilogy, that uses actual characters from The Original Trilogy that utilizes something other than technology that is already been done in other games. Something that has smoothe graphics, and has the same nostalgic feel of the Super NES Star Wars games, without having it be a side scrolling platform jumper. Have characters do what they do in the movies! Don't have Darth Vader fly out from over a cliff and shoot you full of lightning bolts!


I'm not a game designer, but I just know that the Star Wars game I been looking for, has never been released. The best parts of the games that were out there, I only enjoyed, because for a split second or so, I felt like I was in one of the original films.


Even my favorite part of Jedi Outcast, was NOT the SP game, but on MP, where I downloaded maps and models that were based on the movies, and tried to re-create those scenes!


Am I alone on this idea, or is the need and want for a new game based on the original movies long over due?


I open this for discussion, and again, this is not to trash LucasArts, or any of the games being released, it's just an area for some much needed feedback on all the games in general

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hmmm, it sounds like you need/want something along the lines of the current slew of lord of the rings games. you can actually recreate scenes from the movies by playing as one of the actual characters, not some made-up-for-a-game hero/heroine that nobody's heard of before.

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Originally posted by adillon

hmmm, it sounds like you need/want something along the lines of the current slew of lord of the rings games. you can actually recreate scenes from the movies by playing as one of the actual characters, not some made-up-for-a-game hero/heroine that nobody's heard of before.

And that was I think the succes of those LOTR series games. The ability the recreate actual film segments and BE part of it. If you are a fan of LOTR you most likely would have bought it, but those not so much into the series that saw the movies could be part of it all with these games, and so they did.


Now on the starwars gaming I have two points. First of all, games a bit more based on the actual movies would be a great advantage. Why do you think after a game is released a Padme, Anakin,... skin is created by users?

When I was young I always wanted to be part of those movies and after buying some games I was a bit unhappy as there were no actual characters.


As my second point, I think we´ve seen quite enough SW games lately based upon various game segments. Kinda going with the popular flow to please the crowd. In fact, almost every kind of game has been converted in some kind of SW game. My point is that I think the market is a bit "milked". So I dont know IF there is another way to follow. Sure you can adjust old games and make em popular, but in the end the feeling "I´ve seen it all before" will conquer.

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well, i think that republic commando would have to be my favorite, only for the gameplay. the plot really doesn't do it for me, and really, i would rather play games like halo that have more replayable campaigns than republic commando with a linear sequence of action that cannot be changed each time you go through it.

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