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OMG'Z another glitch!!


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Yeah ok it doesnt matter who you keep in yer party.After you beat Twitch in the dueling ring,talk to Bendak first,dont talk to the hutt.Challenge him to a duel (or say youre here to collect that bounty on yer head!) then he'll walk out the cantina,you do it too.Exit the cantina and come right back in.Talk to Ajuur and fight Bendak.After you beat Bendak *If you beat Bendak :D * Then talk to Ajuur,he'll give you a bendak pistol.THEN!!! talk to him again to get another one :D :D :D :D :D :D :jumpfire::devburn:

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Actually Kome566 the free double Bendak blasters is a known bug... that doesn't happen all the time, if it happens every time for you then thats great! :D


But it can happen no matter what way you beat the duelists, after beating Bendak and immediately clicking on Ajurr after he gives you the blaster the first time will sometimes net you an extra Bendak pistol.


Happens to me around 40% of the time.

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Originally posted by kome566

why do u always gotta put me down red? :(


kome566 could you please point out the posts where I "always gotta put you down"? :confused:


Originally posted by kome566

besides did ya read what i said??


Yes I did, and did you read what I said? :confused:


Originally posted by kome566

after you beat twitch talk to BENDAK first . . not ajuur :D


Again... kome566 if that happens every time for you then thats great. :D


All I was saying to you, and everyone else, that this is a KNOWN glitch in the game. Not to put you down.


And I would still like to know where I put you down? :confused:

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my elit findings :D

But it can happen no matter what way you beat the duelists, after beating Bendak and immediately clicking on Ajurr after he gives you the blaster the first time will sometimes net you an extra Bendak pistol


:confused: i dont get the after beating bendak and immediately clickong on ajuur part..

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Originally posted by kome566

:confused: i dont get the after beating bendak and immediately clickong on ajuur part..


When you beat Bendak Starkiller in the ring it then puts you in the Dueling Room in the Cantina, run to Ajurr and talk to him for your money and Bendak's Blaster, when the conversation ends, immediately click on him again and he will talk to you and when the conversation ends around 40% of the time you will get another Bendak's Blaster.


If your way of doing the dueling battles gets a you second Bendak's Blaster 100% of the time tell us exactly how you do it... as inquiring minds, like mine, would love to know it. :D


Free stuff is a good thing! :D

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Originally posted by maverick187

LOL to be honest how often do you find that you need to use a blaster in this game?


Mav... You might want to sit down... What I am about to say might startle you... So prepare yourself! :D


I am one of the probable few who don't use the Padawan Mod, or the Revan Reincarnate Mod, or TK's Save Editor to add Jedi levels early.


I actually enjoy Taris as it was meant to be, a nice Armor wearing, Blaster Slinging Psychopath level. Completing Taris with a level 2 non-jedi PC is still fun for me.


[Jolee] But I'm old and easily amused. [/Jolee]


The Duelists, Gamorrians, and the Rackghouls... Oh my! :D


That's why knowing how to score an extra blaster or two still has some interest to me! :D

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I too went through Taris without any overpowering stats or being a jedi, just a level 2 scout, but I still used swords not blaster hmph I never found the use, but if you are looking for the extra blast or two aren't they saying that you need to be using Master Speed???

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:After you beat TWITCH talk to BENDAK FIRST.After you talk to him (and when he leaves the cantina) GO OUT the cantina and COME BACK IN.Then Talk to AJUUR.After you beat bendak talk to ajuur to get a bendak and talk to him again to get another bendak :o did u get it this time redhawke ?? :devburn: if not :rofl::D i think ur forgetting the part where you talk to bendak first and then the hutt red :eek:

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Originally posted by maverick187

LOL to be honest how often do you find that you need to use a blaster in this game?

When you need credits? A good blaster sells well on Yavin :D


And like Redhawke, I enjoy Taris very much. U think it's the most varied level: there is everything, puzzles, battles, lots of dialogs and quests. This blaster is the best you can find early in the game.

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Having Malak on Taris would have been nice... I mean he was orbiting the planet and supposed to be searching for Bastila, they shoud have had him in a cutscene, somewhere in upper Taris, something like this;


In front of the Sith Base have Malak and an Enterouge including the Taris Sith Govenor... Surrounded by Tarisian citizens... confront one of his Sith Officers on the street about the search for Bastila, and the Officer says that they are searching everywhere and cannot seem to find her...


Malak then says "Then I shall properly motivate your men... by making an example of you" and then he Force Chokes him to death...


Right after that Malak says "I sense something, a familiar presence" and starts scanning the crowd, with your PC in it, scaring your little non-jedi butt off in the process...


Then the Sith Govenor says "What is it My Lord?", and Malak replys "It can't be... It's nothing... You are in charge of the search for Bastila now Govenor, don't fail me" or something like that and then they all walk off into the Sith Base.


That would have been cool! :D

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I like it Redhawke! Why not do something about it? ;)


Originally posted by RedHawke


Having Malak on Taris would have been nice... I mean he was orbiting the planet and supposed to be searching for Bastila, they shoud have had him in a cutscene, somewhere in upper Taris, something like this;


In front of the Sith Base have Malak and an Enterouge including the Taris Sith Govenor... Surrounded by Tarisian citizens... confront one of his Sith Officers on the street about the search for Bastila, and the Officer says that they are searching everywhere and cannot seem to find her...


Malak then says "Then I shall properly motivate your men... by making an example of you" and then he Force Chokes him to death...


Right after that Malak says "I sense something, a familiar presence" and starts scanning the crowd, with your PC in it, scaring your little non-jedi butt off in the process...


Then the Sith Govenor says "What is it My Lord?", and Malak replys "It can't be... It's nothing... You are in charge of the search for Bastila now Govenor, don't fail me" or something like that and then they all walk off into the Sith Base.


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Yeah but how r u gonna tie it to the story? :D


Okkk Malak and his little DJ's (Dark Jedi).Do a Little Scan across the Taris Walkers (Walking Citizens :D)Malak would then summon the Taris Citizens to the entrance of the Sith Base,where his troops and DJ's and the Gov would be waiting.He would give them a speech,about reward the one/s that find and capture Bastila(Of course hes a DS person so he wouldnt give a reward!).


And the crowd is still aroud the sith base.And the DJ's still keep scanning them.Then a DJ senses a force sensitive person (PC).He walks over to Malak and taps his shoulder.He whispers into his ear that he has felt a Force-Like sense through a person.Malak starts glaring through the citizens until he finds your PC.He feels it as well,but something more different about it.Malak then tries to figure it out who it was,whether Sith or Jedi.


"The Force within this person is too mellow to be a Sith nor Jedi."Malak says to his Dark Jedi follower.He starts to use force kill and plague on him (Ouch!!!)."Do not waste my time...and this goes for all the rest of you."Malak glares at his soldiers and the citizen which are totally freaked out that they are under control by these people :D. The Dark Jedi dies.


"Report back to me when you have found Bastila Governor."Malak says to the Governor.The Governor nods and says:"Yes my Lord."Then Malak goes to his little transport ship with two DJ's and take off! :D :D :D How ya like that?

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Completing Taris with a level 2 non-jedi PC is still fun for me.


Ah...the bad old days! I admit it was a challenge, but my DS Scoundrel with maxed out Wisdom got pwned by Gadon every time :mad:


I do miss the Endar Spire sometimes though. Maybe I should play a non-modded game for old time's sake.

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Originally posted by RedHawke


Having Malak on Taris would have been nice... I mean he was orbiting the planet and supposed to be searching for Bastila, they shoud have had him in a cutscene, somewhere in upper Taris, something like this;


In front of the Sith Base have Malak and an Enterouge including the Taris Sith Govenor... Surrounded by Tarisian citizens... confront one of his Sith Officers on the street about the search for Bastila, and the Officer says that they are searching everywhere and cannot seem to find her...


Malak then says "Then I shall properly motivate your men... by making an example of you" and then he Force Chokes him to death...


Right after that Malak says "I sense something, a familiar presence" and starts scanning the crowd, with your PC in it, scaring your little non-jedi butt off in the process...


Then the Sith Govenor says "What is it My Lord?", and Malak replys "It can't be... It's nothing... You are in charge of the search for Bastila now Govenor, don't fail me" or something like that and then they all walk off into the Sith Base.


That would have been cool! :D


The only things I would change/add/modify, are:


1) Have it when you are going to break into the Sith Base for the first time. After you purchase T3-M4, spawn them in front of the Sith Base entrance.


2) Have the PC hide in the back of the crowd, so as not to be spotted by Malak. Have some other Tarisians run off in terror (because he is looking at them), and your PC and party run off with them (just running off, if no one else does, might seem suspicious). If you have Bastila with you, make him spot her.


This is my 25 cents (two, adjusted for inflation)



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Originally posted by kome566

Nope Nope Red! Remember.


Admiral Karath told Malak when Calo Nord was there :D I dont think he knew Revan was still alive!


Sorry... kome566 your argument is completely invalid!


Reread what I said, which is what you originally requested to put Malak on Taris in the first place, it fits right in with the story, why would Malak believe the word of a scumbag like Calo Nord, unless he had some other proof, and that encounter, as I described, him only feeling Revan's presence and discounting it, would definately fit the bill! :D


Originally posted by Darth333

I like it Redhawke! Why not do something about it? ;)


It would be cool, but that sounds like a scripting nightmare to me, and not really my modding cup of tea, but if you want to give it a go Darth333, please do! :D

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