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fantastic screens


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Bah, looks like they listened to those whiners who complained about your party being froze for big lightsaber duels. I thought that brought a lot of suspence, and movie like drama to the fight. I hope they did not take away all of those moments.

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Originally posted by maverick187

I thought that was supposed to be that city called Iziz.....


If that is Iziz then that is on one of the moons of an important EU planet, Duxun or something like that. At least that is what I remember Burrie explaining somewhere! :D

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^^^ Good news. I was at the Obsidian boards & 1 of the devs clarified the statement about hoods. It was "the option of putting 1 up or down on the same model that ate up the X-Boxes memory, so that won't make it into the final build. But a hooded model & a hoodless model will be in game." So they say. :D

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Thats freakin great news FiEND! :D


They must have read my posts, about it being more simple making them seperate robes! :emperor:


We get hoods down and hoods up as well...


*Gives off a big Texas style Yeee... Haaa!!!*


Thanks for the heads up there FiEND! :D

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I find it a bit strange that we are five years after the Phantom Menace, and to my knowledge this is the first game where a custom/non SW movie player character can have Jedi robes that look like Jedi robes. It seems like up until now everyone has wanted modders to make some.


I just find it funny... :)

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Originally posted by Prime

I find it a bit strange that we are five years after the Phantom Menace, and to my knowledge this is the first game where a custom/non SW movie player character can have Jedi robes that look like Jedi robes. It seems like up until now everyone has wanted modders to make some.


I just find it funny... :)


I agree Prime! :D


I mean the robe is such a symbol of the Jedi/Sith... almost as important a symbol as the lightsaber...

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Originally posted by RedHawke

I agree Prime! :D


I mean the robe is such a symbol of the Jedi/Sith... almost as important a symbol as the lightsaber...


You almost get the impression that Obsidian couldn't wait to take a crack at "real" robes. Of course, I could just be projecting :)


It will be nice to have models that don't need to be cracked. Modding KotORII is going to be a blast!

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Originally posted by Achillies

YIt will be nice to have models that don't need to be cracked. Modding KotORII is going to be a blast!


Well if we want to add new models for KOTOR:TSL the format will have to be cracked, they are different than in KOTOR so that might be a good or bad thing.


And yes, modding KOTOR:TSL will be great! :D

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