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Ghost In the Machine (of jka)


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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

I dunno, the whole gay-Christian with super powers, a mental illness and that is dying thread that you made comes to mind. But once again, that's just me. I'm sure you don't place any more importance on what I believe that you say, than I do on caring what you think about what I believe that you say. Or something to that effect.

Yah, ditto, RP, I have been thinking your full of bull****.


*Walks out of room*



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Originally posted by TiE 23

Yah, ditto, RP, I have been thinking your full of bull****.


*Walks out of room*




Tie... don't be stupid, you did read groovy's post right? Just some helpful advice here, but don't flame, especially in a thread in which someone (*COUGH*CapNColostomy*COUGH*) The guy you quoted ;) has been warned to stop!


Besides... we already figured out that, that mapper.... what was his name.. lukeskywalker1 made some freak hacking map which had a guy saying stuff... with a ghost walking around in MP... which Rp requested.. so it was that :p



So.. it wasn't that guys map.. whoever he may be :D



Ok.. I'll stop the advertising :D

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Originally posted by TiE 23

Yah, ditto, [...]


*Walks out of room*




Not being one that subscribes to RpTheHotRod's brand of truth or religion, and being a mod, I feel compelled to say that you should consider this a warning against "flaming" and/or "trolling," both of which are against the rules.


In addition, your post had zero point and zero content related to the thread, and is therefore easily considered Spam. As Capt. Colostomy was already warned for similar reasons, it seems fair that you should also receive a "ditto" warning.


This post will be forwarded to the mods for notice.

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