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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Presenting the official Shadows of the Empire Mod thread. (Yeah unfortunately I'm not cool enough to have my own forum.....yet)


I require help though. I am only in the preliminary phases right now, so I am just doing research and development for the time being. Here is what I'm currently looking for:

Vehicles and lots of them.

*AT-AT (I heard there is a model out there, but I can't find it)


*T-47 airspeeders (a.k.a. snowspeeder)

*Slave 1

*Hound's Tooth (Bossk's ship)

*Mist Hunter (Zuckuss' ship)

*IG-2000 (IG-88's ship)



*Has anyone done a Jabba the Hutt model? I'm not talking about the player model created by Duncan_10158 for JO. I mean a real, true to size Jabba the Hutt.

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I can't help you with making a mod, but I can reply...


Originally posted by jedispy

I have a project that I'm working on. Right now it's a little hush hush, but if I complete it, then it will be a JA mod the likes of which you have never seen!


I require help though. I am only in the preliminary phases right now, so I am just doing research and development for the time being. Here is what I'm currently looking for:

Vehicles and lots of them.

*AT-AT (I heard there is a model out there, but I can't find it)


Try the showcase forum. There's a topic in there about the AT-AT model and links to some beta's of it that work.




Already in the game, and there are tons of mods of them out there, ranging from ones that re-skin the MP swoops, to ones that add Sith Speeders, ROTJ style bikes, etc. Check pcgamemods.com.


*T-47 airspeeders (a.k.a. snowspeeder)


Search pcgamemods.com. It's there, and works.


*Slave 1


Search pcgamemods.com. Episode II version is available.


*Hound's Tooth (Bossk's ship)

*Mist Hunter (Zuckuss' ship)

*IG-2000 (IG-88's ship)


No idea.



*Has anyone done a Jabba the Hutt model? I'm not talking about the player model created by Duncan_10158 for JO. I mean a real, true to size Jabba the Hutt.


No idea, sorry.


I have a lot more, but like I said, I don't want to reveal too much. More will follow soon.



O.k. I realize how retarded I was for saying it is hush hush when a day or so earlier I posted (in this same forum mind you) that I intend on makin a Shadows of the Empire mod for JA.


O.k. with that said, what does everyone think?




Just remember that before you use anyone else's mods in your mod, you should get permission from those authors first and give full credit in your mod's documentation for anything you use that you didn't create yourself!

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Yeah I did find a bunch of vehicle models. I did find snowspeeder, and I can't believe I forgot that swoops were in the game.


Bossk ship is huge. It is smaller than a Star Destroyer, but bigger than the Falcon.


Thanks for all the good pointers. Are there any documents talking about creature creation? I may make a Hutt Creature.

We'll see.


be prepared for the most awesome mod ever! Well....or at least a really good one.



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Try the showcase forum. There's a topic in there about the AT-AT model and links to some beta's of it that work.


What's the URL to the topic? I can't find it anywhere.


Thanks again for all the good pointers. I DEFINITELY plan on giving credit where credit is due. I am sure most people won't have a problem giving permission if I give the proper credit. Of course I will give credit to John Wagner with Dark Horse comics and Steve Perry with Bantam books for their versions of SOTE. Without their works, this mod would barely be possible.


What would everyone like to see in the mod? Like I said before, I plan on making an amalgam of the three sources: Book, comics, and game. I can't include all of the material from the game because some things are contradictary with the books and comics (mostly in how Dash Rendar acts, and how much interaction he has.)


I have already begun to write the story....well....my take on the story at least. I am about 90% done with the story, and the game plot structure. My last step is to put together all of the dialog for the cut scenes. I am again making it an amalgam of the game, book, and comics.


I plan on making it a multi perspective plot. The N64 game only showed the perspective of Dash Rendar. I thought it was totally awesome, but there are certain things that happen in SOTE that just MUST be in a game (Luke's hand to hand fight with Guri, Wedge Antilles in Rogue squadron, Boba Fett fighting the bounty hunters for Han Solo in carbonite, etc...)


I am open to considering new ideas. I hope to finish my plot notes soon, and then put them on my new website that should be up shortly.


More to come soon.


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Actually I haven't forgotten them. I do have a working 4-LOM model. I can't remember who made it, but it works. As for Dengar, he's not in SOTE from what I can determine. He's not mentioned in the book, nor is he in the comics or game.


The bounty hunters I have in there so far are:

Boba Fett (in the SOTE game, book, and comics)

Bossk (comics)

4-LOM (comics)

Zuckuss (comics)

IG-88 (game and comics)

and an assortment of random thugs that work for Bossk. (comics)


I may put in Dengar, but he won't have any lines or game action. Might just be as an extra. Thanks for the suggestion Salem.


I think I might not put in the Mist Hunter (Zuckuss' ship) simply because it's not ever seen or used in SOTE. In the comics, Zuckuss and 4-LOM ride in Hound's Tooth with Bossk. While I don't want to reinvent the wheel, I also don't want to make the wheel bigger than need be. Still I am open to the idea, so who knows.


First thing's first, to find out what models currently exist, and get permission from the authors/creators of the models to let me use them.


I will check out that AT-AT model tonight. Thanks for the URL TK-8252.



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  • 2 weeks later...

O.k. I am nearing the finish of the prelim phase of this project. I have found a good number of models. I will soon start character creation, and may need some help.

I have a new website up as well.


I know the website doesn't look like much now, but please be patient. I intend on hosting forums and all that. By the way, how does one host/moderate a forum on lucasforums?

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I am not sure what I am going to do for voices. For non-Basic speaking characters, I think I am going to use sound clips from the movies and other media (chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt, R2-D2, etc...)

Vader's breathing will be a sound bite as well. For his voice I will probably use a voice modulator to change a person's voice. It needs to sound mechanical and bassy.


As for Luke, I doubt I am going to get Mark Hamill to play nice. So I think I'm going to have to find someone who can do the same whiney, piss-ant farm boy voice we are grew to love and adore in ANH & ESB (He's not so whiney by ROTJ.


The voices that I am concerned about are Luke, Leia, Lando, Emperor P, Vader, and C-3PO. All others are expanded universe, so I have full freedom to use any sort of voice I choose.


I will keep you guys posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

O.k. I'm almost finished with the mod outline. In the original SOTE game, there were three acts. I have expanded it to five.


There will be 21 playable levels, and 47 individual cut scenes. Most of the cut scenes will be rather short.


Player characters are Dash Rendar, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, and even Darth Vader.


Current want/need list:

Character Models:

Prince Xizor



Leia in a sexy dress (not too revealing though)

Chewbacca with long mane (as in ANH & ESB )

Chewbacca with flat-top mane




Vehicle models:




Hound's Tooth



Star Destroyer


More to come soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately it looks like I won't be getting IG-88 from Hapslash any time soon. I might have to reinvent the wheel on that one.


Things are moving along. I am almost finished with the plot/script of the game. One thing that might be a concern is the length of the cut scenes. I will try to cut them down as much as possible. Still, they are essential to getting the whole SOTE story.


More to follow soon.

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I'm looking for the contact info for:

Sniper Wolf, KMan and Toonces - For Dash Rendar model


Dwayne 'oddjob' Douglass - for 4-LOM and Boushh/Leia models


Major Clod - for long hair Chewbacca model.


Mars Marshall - for creating the Millennium Falcon based on RAVEN's design.


tFighterPilot - for Snowspeeder



That's all for now.

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Oh I will definitely need some sound editing for some of the voices.


How much dialogue? I refer you to the rough draft of my outline.


For most characters I will use normal voices. However for some characters, a little ingenuity is needed. For example I want Boba Fett to sound like Temura Morrison (is that his name?) the Maori who plays him in the prequels, and voice over in ESB.


Darth Vader is a given, but I think I might try that one on my own.


Jabba the Hutt. Now there's a big one (no pun intended.) Jabba only has 3 lines, but they are in Huttese. I want him to sound exactly like he does in ROTJ. A little bit of reverb and deep bass sound. Jabba articulates his words slowly in ROTJ.

Taken from Jedispy.com:

Jabba: Ah tagwa, cha chonki tiroy. Cha chonki de ma coleto. Chi sa rima chong waronga creeda?

(Ah yes, a delightful masterpiece. It will be the pride of my collection. So, did we say 10,000 credits?)


Needed voices:

Luke Skywalker

Leia Organa

Lando Calrissian

Dash Rendar

Wedge Antilles

Boba Fett

Darth Vader

Emperor Palpatine

Prince Xizor




Skahtul/Barabel Guard






Swoop jockey

Admiral Piett

Imperial/Rebel/Xizor's Officer/technician

Kyle Katarn

Mara Jade

Jabba the Hutt

Slave 1 Computer

Bothan1, 2, 3


I will post more notes on these later on my website.

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Most of the sound effects are going to be from the movies and/or other games. SOTE for PC uses all their sounds off of .wav files in a directory. I have full access to those.


Vader's breathing will be from the movies.

R2-D2's "voice" will be from the movies.

The same goes for blasters, lightsabers, Chewbacca's voice, engine sounds, explosions, teleporters (HA just kidding), etc...


The only brand new sounds will be dialogue that does not otherwise exist. I need to find people who can sound like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Billy Dee Williams. I can do a pretty mean Luke skywalker whiney voice already, so it might be covered.

I think the hardest voice to find will be Lando. I need a voice that sounds like a black man who is very confident and cocky. I'm not being racist when I say this. I have the radio version of ROTJ made by NPR, and the guy they got for Lando is totally white sounding (I am 99% sure it was not Billy Dee Williams, but I will have to check.)


Darth Vader, C-3PO, and Boba Fett will all require some sound editing. Boba Fett will have the New Zealand/Maori accent. 3PO will have british sounding.


I don't know how I want Xizor to sound yet. In SOTE for PC he sounds like a retard trying to imitate Darth Vader. Not cool. He needs to sound dignified and articulate.


Dash Rendar needs to sound really cocky. I imagine a Joey Tribiani/Sam Malone type of sound in his voice.


Guri needs a strong confident woman sound. I imagine her being head of some Dark Side women's rights movement. ("dark side." LOL!!! Where do I come up with this stuff?) Just kidding by the way. Honestly, I imagine a voice like that of Jeri Ryan (7 of 9). In the SOTE game for PC, she sounds like a playboy model/pr0n star when she talks. Not appropriate for this mod. Sorry guys, but no Jenna Jameson voiceovers.


Jix will sound like a dumb jock when he talks. Cross Bret Favre with Shaquille O'neil and there you have it.


Emperor Palpatine needs to sound exactly like he does in ROTJ. There is no other way around this. He needs to sound old, but not old and cranky. He needs to sound angry, but not pissed off. Still working on that one.


Good news is that progress is being made. For more info check out my website.


UPDATE: Yep I'm right. Billy Dee Williams did not portray Lando in the ROTJ radio show. It was Arye Gross. It might as well be Vanilla Ice. It really is Gross.

Word to your mother.

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