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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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By minilogoguy18

...does the star viper have landing gear? or does it just sit on the tips of the folded back wings?

I believe they do have some sort of a landing gear that deploys when they land. I will try to take a screenshot of the PC cutscenes. It looks cool when the wings fold/unfold.


And yes I know my banner is abysmal. You have to understand...I am lazy! O.k. how does this one look?




Actually I can't take any credit for it. I pretty much ripped it off the Lucasarts SOTE site.

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Agreed, that is more of a general modding request. However the only animator that I know is LightNinja.


O.k. folks, so this my envolvement is about to take a brief break. I'm going to be going on vacation to Bright (not really), sunny (again not really), and warm (oh @#$% no it ain't) Minnesota. I will be back in 1 week.


We're making great progress. I haven't talked to my mappers in a few days, so we'll see how they're doing after the break.


EDIT: :laughing: Just for you TK42235

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Originally posted by jedispy

Agreed, that is more of a general modding request. However the only animator that I know is LightNinja.


O.k. folks, so this my envolvement is about to take a brief break. I'm going to be going on vacation to Bright (not really), sunny (again not really), and warm (oh @#$% no it ain't) Minnesota. I will be back in 1 week.


We're making great progress. I haven't talked to my mappers in a few days, so we'll see how they're doing after the break.

Shut up, I live there.>:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attention team members, modders, and Lucasforum members


The holidays are almost over, so is my sinus infection, ( I am sure Jedispy can identify with that!!!), and my voice is almost back to normal for recording dialogue.


Recording will commence again an Jan 4th, and I will begin to learn new, more valuable skills to help the team along.


The FTP site is back up and running again, so keep the files coming!!


I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

2005 will kick ass in the MOD Community. Just think DF Completed, DF2JK in the works, and SOTE. Is that a good forthcoming year or what?


C-Ya in 2k5


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Ugh....I'm totally freaking sick. My new year celebration included thermometers that didn't go below 100 F, Nyquil, and lots of Tylenol. I have a massive flu. Flying back from MN there was a passenger on the flight who threw up. Thanks to recirculated air, there are about 200 people that landed in Portland OR carrying the flu bug. So once again I am out of commission until I get better.


My computer took a dump lately. Good news is that I figured out the problem. My power source decided to commit suicide (I'm still looking for the suicide letter, but homocide has been ruled out.) I pulled my second power source from my Linux box. Sadly all my SOTEMOD files are on that machine. So I'm off to the computer store either today or tommorrow to get another ATX power supply.




So how's everyone else doing?

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Getting back to the MOD biz slowly but surely, I had to go get a new vehicle after 13 years. My truck crapped out on me, so I rewarded myself with a nice shiny new Chevy Silverado 4x4!!:D



Hey Spy....feeling any better? You haven't posted or updated the site in a while. Get well soon !!!







Edit...Damn...we're up to 5 pages!!!

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I am still here. I am mostly recooperated from my ailment. Nasty bugger.


I'm in the middle of updating the news on the website. I do want to let everyone know that the ball is still rolling, and we're making awesome progress.


Right now I'm working on finishing the individual character scripts. If you guys would like a peek, click here. When my voice is a little better, I'm going to attempt to record my selected lines.


I'm also hoping to get a php or perl script up and running in which other SOTEMOD team members can log in and add their own 2 cents (yeah that's right, we're talkin' AMERICAN currency here dude!!!)


More coming on the website.

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Ooh! Me wanna see Guri. I will PM you with the ftp server info.


I'm still trying to crack the code for getting Guri to work properly. I am close.....oh baby am I close. Anyway I will be happy to have a good working skin. I started it, but mine just didn't look right.


I will be ecstatic once we have more character voices recorded. Zappa_0 is trying to recruit female voices for the mod. If anyone knows of any females that might be interested, please pass on the word!!!!!


I am Jedispy and I approve this message

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Just checking in, seeing how everyone is doing. I have no real progress to report at this time. My soundcard decided to follow the Black Eyed Peas' hit song and get retarded. So I'm having a hard time recording right now. Ironic thing is that this same thing seems to have happened to the members of the V&S team (voice and sound).


Anyway I need to tweak my card a little in order to make it work. In the meantime I may do some analog recording with my buddy's 4 track recorder, and then xfer it to digital media. We'll see.


We are on the advent of something awesome with this mod. We will release more as son as we have some substantive material.


I hope everyone is doing well on their projects.

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First....Just Checking in...still here..alive and kicking. I have been working waaayyy too much lately, (begin rant) and when I Come home, the last thing I want to look at is the dreaded "black box", for the simple reason that it seems all I have been doing at work lately is flying the damn computer for 10 hours at a time.(end rant)


The ol' black box however is not without certain benefits. The sound card in this thing was/is primo for it's day...a SANTA CRUZ TURTLE BEACH DSP THX CERTIFIED (arrgh arrgh arrgh) card. It is supported by a Dolby Pro-Logic/Digital 4.1 Altec Lansing 150 watt surround system, which when proplery used in shooter games, (Soldier of Fortune..shotgun rules!!!) can and does knock pictures off of the walls. It is however, not without it's faults.


SoundBlaster emulation is 50% at best, (coupled with WINXP, it is horrible on older games) and it was a bitch to get configured for proper voice recording. However, once I got a decent .wav recording program, and a good microphone....sweet bliss!! (Just ask Jedispy, I swear it sounds like I am recording in a studio) I am thinking of switching to the SB Audigy Z card for better gaming sounds, but this thing is so tuned in right now, I don't want to chance it.


SPY, I hope you get your machines fixed, and I get some more time off to finish dialogue. Let me know if you need more background sound EFX, or specific sound EFX as well.


I haven't given much thought to level design lately, but I still think the Xizor's Palace still needs to be totally redesigned. As ideas come to me , I will pass them on.


More to come soon,



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After hearing Jedispy's auditions for voiceovers, I can honestly say 2 out of 3 ain't friggin' bad at all.


Luke Skywalker....While not quite Mark Hamill...damn close...not bad at all. Tone and pitch are perfect, and I think you even have the feeling and attitude right in the voice. I wonder what it would be like to hear you bitching to your Uncle Owen about having to go to Toshi Station pick up some power converters....thumbs up!!


Han Solo...once again...not quite Harrison Ford, but pretty friggin' close ..Voice was good, just needs the "attitude" Tone and pitch were dead on, just needs more of Han's smartass rogue space pirate attitude.....thumbs up on that one too!!


Admiral Piett....mmmm so so.....The british , snotty accent (is that even PC?...Who friggin cares? HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!) is a little off, and the voice needs more bass. It also needed more of an obedient soldier, sucking up to the Commander In Chief/Boss kind of feel. There was no urgency. I may try that one myself and we can compare snotty tea-drinking brit voices (LMMFAO!!).


Final note, Your recording equipment is very primo, very nice clean sounds. Whatever problems you had, you fixed....or your buddy's 4 track (TASCAM?) does the job. One of the two I'm sure.


I nominate Jedispy for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo...pending House of Representatives, and Senate Confirmation hearings!!

You got my vote dude !!!!

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LOL. Well also keep in mind that it is an audition.


I was playing with a Lando voice....let's just say it stunk up the place.


Just a quick note on the side. Things are still going well. I haven't received anything from my mappers yet, so still nothing to show off. They tell me that something should pop up soon. <Jedispy bites nails>


We will keep you posted.

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Decided I'd poke my nose in here, and let you know where I am.


Xizor- I haven't done anything on him other than collect reference images. I've been busy lately at work, so haven't had much free time to work on side projects. I've mostly been waiting to see some real progress before actually doing some worthwhile work. I'm still going to do him, it just isn't really needed right now. All of his cutscene animations can be done without the model, so there is no real rush.


If you want me to make some map textures, those would take me no time at all to bang out a few. I've been doing this alot at work, so I've gotten the motions down for pumping them out quickly.


Also sounds like you are having issues with Guri. Trying to make her look like a woman... mind if I take a stab at her sometime? :D

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Stabbing an HRD. I'd like to see that. O.k. bad joke.


Yeah things have been slow lately. My time has been spent mostly recording. I'm trying to do the Luke and Han voices. Han has only 3 lines (thank goodness). I admit that he doesn't sound much like Harrison Ford. Oh well what can you expect with a $0 budget? As for luke, like Mike said, it doesn't sound a lot like Mark Hamill. Of course I will try to make them sound better. Once I have the lines and sound perfected, I will post them here.


Piett has turned out to be a little more difficult than originally thought. It's hard to have him say "Yes my lord" and yet not have him sound like the peasants in Warcraft 2. (Yesh me load.....whut ees it? Why do you keep touching me?). More practice is needed.


I am going to try a stab at the Lando voice, if not for anything else other than getting a good hearty laugh. I'm trying to track down some good voice changing software. That will help fix things alot. (such as making Mike's C-3PO voice higher in pitch). There was one demo I was checking out. I was playing with the idea of raising my voice (a deep baritone/bass voice) to a more feminine sounding voice (i.e. the voice for Guri). It sounded kind of cool, but the idea of playing a female character did creep me out. It wasn't anything that ESPN Sports Center couldn't cure however.


By the way, we are STILL looking for mappers. Is there anyone interested in helping out? I had a few people who were going to help, but they seem to have disappeared. Really, this mod is going to totally rule if we can finish it. However without mappers we're really just a bunch of guys kidding ourselves. I'm willing to begin to learn how to do it myself, but I'd rather see what an experienced person can do. Help is indeed wanted in this area.


Also thanks to all the guys that are helping out already. Although we're not as far along as we'd like to be, we've come a long way. Thanks a ton. Rest assured, once we've made solid ground on this mod, the JA public is going to love it!! Let's make 2005 the year!!

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