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duals in kill tracker

Master Ramathor

what do you think about kill tracker?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. what do you think about kill tracker?

    • it s*cks
    • bad
    • good
    • it ROCKS

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Urrr... Don't use Kill-Tracker because most people didn't like it in JK2 and those, who used it got kicked even sometimes.


I think it's kinda lame to use it too, because it's annoying, how someone keeps the track, how many ppl he has killed.

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I think that Killtrakckers are fine as long as people don't use the kill and death messages and all that. (I.E. I WhIPpEd Yo AsS 400 TimEs N0oO0oBB!!)


I like all the extras on JAM's KT like the Music, minimizer, notes and things like that.


As long as people use them to just count their kills and use the other features it will be fine. Its just the spam messages that make everyone hate them.

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Originally posted by DeathStriker

I think that Killtrakckers are fine as long as people don't use the kill and death messages and all that. (I.E. I WhIPpEd Yo AsS 400 TimEs N0oO0oBB!!)


I like all the extras on JAM's KT like the Music, minimizer, notes and things like that.


As long as people use them to just count their kills and use the other features it will be fine. Its just the spam messages that make everyone hate them.

Yeah, those are incredibly irritating. You know that some people will just shut your KT off for you, if you use those spam messages...
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No one has answered the poor man's question yet lol. Anyway, we need more info Rama. Does the KT work for other things, like tracking kills, or does the whole thing not work? Did you get Microsoft's .NET framework 1.1? Did you sign IN to the KT? Need more info :eek:


As for KT's in general, yes they should all be slienced by default. My clan server kicks you if you dont silence them. That makes me happy :p

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

That's not really neccessary; you just rename yourself to the person with the KT's name and say, !ktoff or !ktsilent.


I remember the good old days in JO, on JK3Files.com server, where people used to turn on their KTs. And those who hated it would do this:


For example, person using kt is named aaa

We would type:

aaa: !ktoff

and then

aaa: !kton


continually.. Until he minimized his game and exited the KT. Rofl those were the fun days...

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I always forbid KT use on my server(s) since they were so annoying. It's bad enough to have people spamming whenever they get a kill or die, but to have automated responses like "You are the 1534343 n00b I have pwn3d , LMAO!!!11" over and over is just too much.


That and it seems to make the game lag a bit more, so I just say a big "NO" whenever I hear them being used. People can use them if they want, but it has to be on silent. 'Cause a KT is really for the benefit of the person using it, after all, to stroke their ego. Nobody else cares really. If they want to see the scores, they can bring up the score table with no trouble.


And yes, the ol 'trick' to turn off a KT users's display if he's just ignoring you, is pretty darned cool. ; )

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