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E-mail notification problem???

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Since a few days, I am receiving e-mail notification for every thread I posted in. On Sunday I received over 100 e-mails. I thought i had set the parameters in my profile wrong (I have been editing my profile recently) but I verified and everything is ok.


I have been discussing with some other users and apparently they have the same problem. It is very annoying. Anyone knows what is happening :confused:

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So it appears the database has something wrong with it ? I now get email notifications for every thread I have posted in only I have my setting set in Options to not receive these emails any help would be appreciated , and thanks for your time.



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Im haveing the same problem Im recieving email notification every 15 minutes. my user options are set to not recieve any notification.


This is starting to annoy me. This can't be good for buisness at LF.


Somebody please tell me that it will be fixed soon :confused:

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Moderators receive email notification for areas where they've been assigned to.


Other than that, the 100s of emails really shouldn't be a habit - Email notification was just recently turned back on.

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Originally posted by Jed

Moderators receive email notification for areas where they've been assigned to.


Other than that, the 100s of emails really shouldn't be a habit - Email notification was just recently turned back on.


Hmm. svösh is not a mod and is having the same problem.


I thought the way it was supposed to work was that you would get 1 notification per thread, But Im getting notified for every single post. Which is very annoying and clogs up the email.


SO is this a mod thing where we get to recieve an email for every user post. That doesn't sound right to me sinse I am only being notified for threads to which I am subscribed to. Though I suppose I could unsubcribe to those threads. :rolleyes:

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vBulletin is set to send you a notification whenever someone posts in a thread that you are subscribed to. Feel free to unsubscribe from any threads that you do not want notifications from.


That should fix your email congestion issue.

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