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What's your favourite MI moment?

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Originally posted by sith_master2000

What's your favourite MI moment?


You know, I laughed so hard when Guybrush cried out the "taste cold steel" line. Classic Guybrush.


Although I always liked, "I'm Guybrush Threepwood. Ghost-busting stud."


Now, if only I could reach my pirate-utility belt...

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I think he didn't recognize the CMI quote.


I liked how you can make Guybrush use the catapult to sink his ship in MI1.


The bone dance in MI2. I love how the Wanted! poster lists the offenses you actually did commit.


The banjo duel and pirate song in CMI.

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Originally posted by sith_master2000

Oh man how could I forget the Pirate song?! That has to be my second favourtie of the series. Espcially how Guybrush gets pissed off (excuse my language) at the barbers, that song's so damn funny! :D


You know, I still can't play CMI without going through all the song options... (Who could skip bits of THAT?!)


Guybrush: "You say you're nasty pirates.

Scheming, thieving bad bush-whackers.

From what I've seen, I'll tell you,

You're not pirates, you're just slackers!"

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Weird, no ones mentioned Guybrush's little songs to ausition for the barbershop quartet with Van Helgan (possibly the best part of the MI series is the ability to talk to people abuot stuff that won't actually help you through the game, but it fun as hell to talk about anyway) Like the Mon key In My Pocket Song (I tried that on a girl once, wrote it on a piece of paper and jokingly passed it off as a love note, and then slipped it in her locker, the next day, everyone at work was reciting it to me, and she loved it, it was the best day)


Or Silvers Long Johns!

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