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Oops! I accidently force choked the leaders of the Jedi Council!


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Originally posted by DragonXero666

Good stuff Mono!


I never tried strangulating my NPCs on the Hawk, but I'll have to do that now! Prepare to be slaughtered! You should have seen it coming! The dark lord of the Sith, Darth Revan shall smite ye all! Muauauauauahaha- *choke* *cough* Bloody hairballs. You're first, wookiee.


LoL watch yourself and don't save, 'cause your game will crash when you leave the 'Hawk. :¬:

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

LoL watch yourself and don't save, 'cause your game will crash when you leave the 'Hawk. :¬:

You guys are so cruel!!! :tsk: I should never have included this mod in the AIOFPM :D


I'd be curious to see what happens if you try to "ressucitate" your party members with the Party Manager armband...

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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

Well, the Dark Side is cooler :p:D:rolleyes:


Yeah, I'd never wanna be a Jedi! You can't do the dirty deed, you have to fight fair, you never get to use force lightning or choke someone... And besides, the coolest moment in the prequels was when Anakin decided to free the Sand People from the trappings of life!


And besides, that stinkin' T3 droid is useless! R2D2 could do lots of cool stuff. He could chuck lightsabers, had rocket boosters, and if all else fails, he could project the latest star wars movies!


(Ah, who'm I kidding, I'd love to have a lot of the Jedi powers. I can imagine how fun it would be to have the mind trick and the telekinesis. "you want to give me a passing grade")

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I agree with you, DragonXero666. My favourite Jedi powers are Force Storm, Force Kill and Dominate Mind. I just wish they would let us Dark Siders kill more Jedi in the game without having to resort to mods to do it. I mean really - you only get to kill two Jedis even when you're on the side of the Sith throughout the whole game. Pathetic. I WANT MORE JEDI TO KILL!!!

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Well, you *are* supposed to be good in this game!


One thing I've noticed, even with all that pretty silvery armor on, the sith soldiers are remarkably succeptable to swords! Guess that goes with the original trilogy's stormtroopers. Their armor was meant to take several blaster shots in one area, yet a single shot seems to take them down.

KOTOR also seems to be a bit like the movies. The Sith are weak and terrible shots when you're fighting them, but seem to be crack shots capable of killing anyone easily in cutscenes. Just like the stormtroopers who can't hit the broad side of a barn when facing the heroes, but when they wanna kill the Jawas, they do it quickly. So terrible onscreen, but so awesome offscreen.

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One thing I've noticed, even with all that pretty silvery armor on, the sith soldiers are remarkably succeptable to swords! Guess that goes with the original trilogy's stormtroopers. Their armor was meant to take several blaster shots in one area, yet a single shot seems to take them down.


While I have never noticed that myself, now that I think about it it is true. But of course we all now why, BECAUSE JAWAS SUCK (no offense Lil'Jawa(sp)) AND HEROES ROCK (duh...) :p;) [joking]

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