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I've got a GF site too!


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For a while now I've wanted to have my own GF site to show how much I like the game. However, since we already have such great pages as this and DOD, I figured that it would be no use of competiting with them by creating a general site. I decided to specialize. ;)


So, I present you Sweet As Mango, a site that is dedicated to what I probably love the most in GF.

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Wow hey really cool! " Always under constuction " hmm?;) Its a nice site, Iv gote big hopes for the futur. And personally I think you should a least try to draw some pictires of Olivia or show us the results till now =)


Will be there some images in the background?


For now nice site, espacially good topic chosen though.





I dont know why, but for now is broken? MAybe thats my opera...who knows.

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Thanks! There won't probably be any pictures in the background because the only picture editing thing I have is Paint, and it has its limits.


I'm actually interested in trying some art, but I need to get at least average results before I dare to share them.


And yes Thrik, I would love to have my site linked. :)


Broken? It works perfectly right now... Problems could be because of Geocities.

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I have been looking for those programmes for a while, but never found anything. I have Pixia though, but I don't know how to use it.


We had Microsoft Picture It 2002 in my family's old computer (some guy installed it for free) and I loved it, but I haven't found it online or in any store. :mad:

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Very nice site, I like it :). There's a lot of good content on there. But it's kind of annoying that i get a couple of runtime errors every time i go to a new page - maybe it's geocities or maybe it's just me. And also, the scrollbar is a bit wierd as it is all black expect for a couple of grey lines, so it is a bit hard to see. But apart from that the site is great.


And, if you need different hosting, I could host it on dotagame.com for you, because it's Grim Fandango related, and there would be no pop ups or any ads, and the usual stuff that a host gives. Then you get a subdomain off of dotagame.com. But that's just if you really need to.


I'll add it to the links page on the D.O.D. :)


Edit - There you go, you got a news post about your site: http://dod.dotagame.com ;)

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Runtime errors? That's strange, but happens sometimes with Geocities. I meant the scrollbar to be like that because I personally like it if it can not be seen. *shrug* Maybe I'm weird. I can make it more easily seen if more people want it though.


I'm honoured by your offer, but I think I'll stay with Geocities -- no matter how much problems it causes. It's just that in the years I've become so familiar with them that I don't think I can get used to another "server thing".


I also hate it when people do me favours and I can't repay them. :D


Edit: thanks for linking to me. I feel so special!

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Oh, ok, if you want the scrollbar to be like that then that's ok. I just thought you'd done it by accident.


Does anyone know how I can stop the runtime errors?


And, that's ok about the hosting :).


(I just noticed how far behind I am with the fan fiction on the DOD - i'm missing 3 new chapters to a story and a whole new one :eek:. Better start adding them ;) )


Edit - Cool, now at 600 posts I'm a "Commander"

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What do you exactly mean by runtime errors? I have tried many times, but the site works like a dream.


Sometimes Geocities refuses to show a site when tons of people have visited it at once, but my site is so new and about a perhaps unpopular subject, that I doubt that's the reason


I would like to know the cause of the errors too. :mad:


Oh, and I was going to have a heart attack a moment ago. Someone commented in my Livejournal that they had played GF (no one reads my journal so it was a shock to get a comment) and THEN it turned out that the person was from Finland. Wow, the odds of that are so small that I felt like sharing my happy experience. ;)


And congrats Commander! I'll continue being a Reaper for a while.


Edit: Isn't flame mage's story just fantastic? I love every part of it! :3heart:

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For every page I go to i get a few errors which say soemthing like this:




A Runtime Error has occured. Do you wish to Debug?


Line: 24

Error: Object expected


Yes No


I sometimes get it on other sites too, and it can be annoying. Anyone know what causes this?


Oh, and I was going to have a heart attack a moment ago. Someone commented in my Livejournal that they had played GF (no one reads my journal so it was a shock to get a comment) and THEN it turned out that the person was from Finland. Wow, the odds of that are so small that I felt like sharing my happy experience.


What a coincidence .:)

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