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Yo, help a n00b out, wouldya?


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I just got Jedi Academy and of course it rules. You knew that.

Anyway, I got online and I'm clearly clueless. The manual's not helping and the site FAQ is ancient. Help a n00b out.


The symbols on the site list make no sense. Is there a guide to them somewhere? My manual doesn't have pics. I'm looking for servers that don't allow modifications to start with.


When someone's sitting enveloped in a green shield, does that mean they're observing?


Is it rude to attack someone when they're got that talky balloon over their head?


Are there character mods for the Mac version? I saw lots of guys with merc(?) mods. Jet packs and whatnot. Can a poor mac loser get a jetpack?


I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked again, so help me be a little less clueless.


Much obliged.

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Originally posted by Willybone

I just got Jedi Academy and of course it rules. You knew that.

Anyway, I got online and I'm clearly clueless. The manual's not helping and the site FAQ is ancient. Help a n00b out.


The symbols on the site list make no sense. Is there a guide to them somewhere? My manual doesn't have pics. I'm looking for servers that don't allow modifications to start with.


A box that's crossed out means some (or all) force powers are disabled.


Crossed lightsaber hilts means that it's a "sabers only" server (though sometimes the icon appears in error, when only a few weapons are disabled).


A "padlock" means that the server is password protected (you need to enter the password to join).


A lightsaber next to a gun means that it's a "Jedi Vs. Merc" server. This isn't a mod, but a "secret and unsupported" feature of the game. It's just like FFA, except that you can either choose to be a Jedi (can't use Guns at all) or a "Mercenary" (can't use saber, start with a bowcastor and stormtrooper rifle in addition to fists and blastech).



When someone's sitting enveloped in a green shield, does that mean they're observing?


No. Spectators are INVISIBLE (they float around as cameras that can't be seen).


A green shield appears on a player when they first enter the game, meaning they are invincible.


Sadly, some "admin mods" (like JA+) give the admin (and his chosen friends) the power to turn on a green shield anytime and become invincible for as long as they like.


To avoid this, don't join servers that use admin mods such as JA+ (you can use a program called All Seeing Eye to filter servers based on what mod they are using or not mods). Sadly, JA+ is so popular that it's hard to find a server anymore that isn't using it or some other admin mod. Basically it's like playing on a server with cheats.. you never know who you can trust.


Admin Mods are some of the lowest of the low when it comes to modding because they generally give the admins too much power to abuse people they don't like (or who are beating them) and just throw off the balance of the game with those "powers."


'Sides, it makes the game too much like IRC where you have people slapping each other around with a large trout and using emoticons, rather than fighting and competing like a real online game.


Is it rude to attack someone when they're got that talky balloon over their head?


In my opinion, no it's not. It's rude for people to expect you to ignore them when they're standing around chatting in a battle zone (this is a first person shooter after all, not an RPG or a chatroom).


Granted, many folks will get whiney and angry if you kill them while they are chatting, and try to get you kicked if they can, but that's how it goes.


If you're afraid of people whining, don't do it, but me, I don't care if people whine. If it's the admin, he might ban you for it though, so watch out. ; )


Are there character mods for the Mac version? I saw lots of guys with merc(?) mods. Jet packs and whatnot. Can a poor mac loser get a jetpack?


In Siege, only Boba Fett can use the Jetpack (that is, the MERC SCOUT on Siege_Desert). There is no mod needed for that. Most Mods should be compatible with the Mac version, but not having the Mac version I can't tell you much about it.


I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked again, so help me be a little less clueless.


Much obliged.


For more info, check out my website. Note, that mods can really screw up your perception of the game. So if you want to learn the real game first, visit pure servers and servers that aren't running mods like JA+.


Hard to do, but possible. Also, be sure you have the 1.01 patch and don't use no-CD cracks... ; )




Finally, get a server browser for this game, since they are a lot better than the built-in one:








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You rock, my friend.

That explains a lot. I'll be sure to update to 1.01 and try some of those server browsers. I think I will also kill gabby players and ignore the bitching.


If you see me somewhere, kill me. I'm sure you would anyway, but this way I can say I asked you to.

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Are admins who ban for something like that lamers, or the players who attack chatty players the lamers?


In my previous online gaming experience (back on BBS with Descent), if you were chatting in-game, you were begging for it. But, it seems like people are more social in this game than I remember.


Another beginner's question:

On one server, I got challenged to a duel, but I had no clue how to accept the challenge. I had to stop before I had a chance to ask in game. How do I accept a challenge?


I'm still having fun being the mod-less, clueless, and hopeless n00b going buckwild with the saber.

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Originally posted by Willybone

Are admins who ban for something like that lamers, or the players who attack chatty players the lamers?


In my previous online gaming experience (back on BBS with Descent), if you were chatting in-game, you were begging for it. But, it seems like people are more social in this game than I remember.


Another beginner's question:

On one server, I got challenged to a duel, but I had no clue how to accept the challenge. I had to stop before I had a chance to ask in game. How do I accept a challenge?


I'm still having fun being the mod-less, clueless, and hopeless n00b going buckwild with the saber.


The definition of "laming" varies widely, and so there is really no point in following it. If an admin wishes to ban you or is a sore loser, he will do it, and there is nothing you can do about it except join another server. So I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch worrying about how to please these guys. To some people killing them at all is "laming" to others it's using some move they don't like, to others its using guns instead of sabers (why didn't they disable guns if they didn't want people to use them?), to others it's killing them the same way twice. And still others get pissy if you forget to "bow" and say "are you ready?" before every single battle. I say just ignore these guys who are too anal about the game. If they ban you, so be it, it's their personal issues.


Others simply call each other "lamer" for no reason, when they are losing or frustrated. It's akin to calling somebody "cheater" while you're playing a board game.


People who chat in the game ARE asking for it, and if they get killed it's their own fault for exposing themselves to danger. If they don't suck it up, well, again, their own fault.


Now at least if the server is titled "IF YOU KILL ME WHILE I CHAT YOU WILL BE KICKED!" or something, then at least they warned you a head of time. But many of these admins tend to makeup new rules on the fly (rules which they rarely follow themselves), so again, meh.


In my opinion, "lamers" are the ones who whine and make up silly extra rules about "h0n0r" then get pissy when everyone doesn't follow them. If you want to have a saber battle in JA, you can do it without making up any extra rules. It generally shows poor sportsmanship or poor knowledge of the games setup options when they do that. Heck, there's even mods they can use to automate all that stuff. So they're just being lazy.


As far as accepting a duel...


This only works in a FFA game (no other mode has the feature) were "Saber Challenges" are enabled, but the default key is "K". Get close to them and type "K" to challenge (only works when you both have your sabers out) and if they challenge you, get close and hit "K" to accept.


Note that you can go into SETUP (escape key) and controls and change this key to anything you want. Accept Challenge/Duel.

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Thanks for the challenge help. That was the type of game I'm looking for. Very fun, even if the Jawas did rip me a new one in no time flat.


Lamer means what I thought it means, "player I don't like". I'm all for some gaming courtesy, so I'll figure out what's important over time.

But those guys with the thought bubbles do look like they're asking for it...

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Luckily, so far, the only abuse towards me has been in good humor. The other day a mod pretended to also be new to the game for a while while chatting on a sabers-only/limited-force server, and then proceeded to unleash a big can of dark force whoopass on me, lol-ing the whole time.

I laughed, I cried, I died.


But, I've got lots of experience in martial arts, so I'm used to impossible odds and inevitable, severe beatings on a nightly basis. At least this game doesn't require epsom salts and aspirin afterwards.

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Originally posted by Willybone

At least this game doesn't require epsom salts and aspirin afterwards.


Except maybe the occasional sprained wrist or bleeding forehead (from banging it against the keyboard in frustration, trust me... don't do it.. what did that keyboard ever do to you?). ; )

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Originally posted by Willybone

You rock, my friend.

That explains a lot. I'll be sure to update to 1.01 and try some of those server browsers. I think I will also kill gabby players and ignore the bitching.


If you see me somewhere, kill me. I'm sure you would anyway, but this way I can say I asked you to.


Well met.

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