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Assuming Stormtroopers are clones, why aren't the officers?

Nairb Notneb

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if You've seen star wars revenge of the sith emperor palpatine tells commander Cody to execute order 66 turn aginst the jedi and then he tells commander Gree and Yoda cuts his head off and the rebellion comes and thats when they turn to storm troopers your wondering why didnt the officers well they did i'm sure that you've seen star wars 4,5 and 6 the sand troopers on episode 4 are the officers. by Hootie

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if You've seen star wars revenge of the sith emperor palpatine tells commander Cody to execute order 66 turn aginst the jedi and then he tells commander Gree and Yoda cuts his head off and the rebellion comes and thats when they turn to storm troopers your wondering why didnt the officers well they did i'm sure that you've seen star wars 4,5 and 6 the sand troopers on episode 4 are the officers. by Hootie


Uh, read the thread first please... that's how we do things here if you don't know that.

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It's hard for me to imagine that the Kaminoans would willingly continue to supply clones for the Empire, once the Republic was overthrown. In any event, I see Kamino as a target by either the new Empire for occupation and forced continued production of clones, or the the Rebellion for destruction to stop the production of clones.


Why wouldn't they? They're a corporation, which means their goal is profit. Just keep sending them the money they desire, and they'll keep producing. We don't have any indication that they're anti-dictatorship, and would that really bother them so much if they got increased funding?


On the other hand the government could always send in a sector fleet to "convince them."


Or perhaps they'd start a program to learn the technology from the Kaminoeans (after all, they've got 20 years), train their own scientists and engineers, and start up more cloning facilities, until they don't need the Kaminoeans anymore. Would the Kaminoeans consent to losing their trade secrets? Again, through manipulation or outright threats, the Empire could do it. Perhaps in the end their move didn't go all as planned (their plan to screw Kamino out of the clone contracts) and so that is another reason they had to start recruiting. But then it could be just as likely that the Empire's desire for more cannon fodder and occupational forces just outstripped their ability to cheaply produce clones in massive quantities. Or else there were budget cuts and they realized it would just be cheaper to shanghai some guys into service from each member planet.


Since we never see any Kaminoans in the original trilogy, one might surmise that the Kaminoans didn't throw their lot in with the Rebels.


Perhaps, but then we don't see a lot of the PT aliens in the classic trilogy. They could simply been elsewhere. Or yes, they could have stayed on their remote worlds. They could have been killed, who knows. But just because we can't see them doesn't mean they're not doing something, granted that can't be proven either way.


For all we know they were supplying clones for the Rebels! Now wouldn't that make an interesting EU story? ;)


Still, I do find it hard to believe that the Rebels would slaughter the Kaminoans to stop the clones.


They wouldn't have to. Just capture the technology or threaten/convince them not to use it. It would be just like any other resource in a war. How do you stop them from producing bombs? I'm not suggesting genocide against the planet.


Perhaps the Rebels do attack, catching the Empire off guard, and rather than let the cloning facility fall into the hands of the Rebels, the Empire scuttles every cloning facility in the face of the surprise Rebel advance?


Another EU story idea! They still have clones in the Classic Trilogy era, according to Lucas, so any such attempt wasn't entirely successful. But it's like any other technology, it's not "lost" they can just build more. Like if the death star is blown up, just build another one.


Speculation, true, but I've always wondered what happened to end the Clone Wars, and why they weren't simply seen as the initial stages of the Imperial revolution and the ensuring Rebellion. Unless there is some clear demarcation of peace between the combat of the Clone Wars and the start of hostilities during the Rebellion, in my mind they are all part of the same conflict.


If it's a penny for your thoughts, that's my two cents - keep the change.


Now we know! Well, we know a little more than we did before... not everything of course. ;)


Will the new TV show, games and novels totally ruin our imaginations? We'll see!

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All Stormtroopers are human. About 75% of them are clones.


And Tatooine is controlled by the Hutts. The Empire having power there is like how the U.S. has bases all around the world, like in Cuba.


Basically your saying they have embassies on planets, and I think the reason why Clones aren't officers is mainly because they're better off in the feilds/spaces of war and battle.

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As to Clone Officers, well they used Clones as officers in the Prequel Trilogy, then all of a sudden in the Classic Trilogy they're not. Then again for all we know the officers are also Clones, and we just haven't seen any Troopers with their helmets off to be able to see their "twins." But I'm sure they'll say the reason is that in the Classic Trilogy they've either found that Clone Officers are too expensive to produce AND train with a shortage of clones (with the need to cycle in recruites or conscripts to fill out the ranks to meet the demand for a galactic army fighting a civil war) or something like that.


In AOTC-ROTS the entire Republic Army is shown as being composed of Clones (grunts, officers, pilots, etc), except for the Jedi who were the Generals. In the EU the Royal Guards come from the Stormtrooper ranks, but in the PT they are obviously just normal humans since they existed before the Clone Army was created and they're obviously not Jedi.


Well, they didn't control the entire galaxy, by the time of TPM they hadn't even explored the entire galaxy yet, not that was documented atleast. But it was probably the biggest government.


Who says they hadn't explored their entire galaxy? At least by the time of AOTC (10 years later, but still, they have hyperdrive remember? They can cross their galaxy in a matter of DAYS or WEEKS at most!) it is very strongly implied that the Republic has mapped it out. Note the scene in the Jedi Archives where Obi-Wan looks at a map of the galaxy and two other nearby galaxies.


The whole notion that there are unexplored parts of the galaxy come from the EU prior to the Prequels being made, where they included some parts called the "unknown regions." It was also strongly implied that NOBODY had ever left the Star Wars Galaxy, because of some magical nonesense stopping them (which is why the "Outbound Flight Project" failed). Likewise everyone was SHOCKED when the aliens from beyond the outer rim attacked (the Vong for example).


The Prequels seem to contradict this by nonshalantly implying that the Galaxy has been explored, and traveling outside the galaxy is no big deal. The Intergalactic Banking Clan probably does it routinely and other corporations traveling around between galaxies, etc.


Was this knowledge lost in the scant two decades between the time of the Prequels and the time of the Classic Trilogy? Hard to believe. After all, the Jedi Temple wasn't that badly damaged... and it's still standing as of ROTJ.


Granted, now the EU writers have been scrambling since AOTC to re-write the history and try to fit the "unknown regions" back in, etc. and give an alternate history of the "Outbound Flight Project" etc.


I'm told it has something to do with the Unknown Regions just being devoid of anyting useful or interesting and patrolled by pirates or whatnot, making them pointless to explore (so people thought) and the Outbound Flight being deliberately sabotaged by Palpatine and his cronies. I haven't read those new sources so I don't know if that's an accurate assesment. I just see it all as being a big retcon now that the Prequels make it out to be that the Republic has explored all this stuff.


It seems that the EU writers just grossy underestimated the distances that could be traveled with hyperdrive, based on the canon calculations of said speed and logical conclusions from them. Also by making the galaxy seem larger, and more "strange and exotic" like sea-faring before the discovery of the New World on earth (to borrow the "wild frontiers of space" motif of Star Trek for example), they perhaps hoped to make it seem more adventuresome, rather than having it be like routine traveling around the US today in your sports car/RV.

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Qui-Gon says so, that's why.


Says what, and where?


Surely you're not referring to this part of the TPM script:


QUI-GON : Sit still, Annie. Let me clean this cut.

ANAKIN : There are so many! Do they all have a system of planets?

QUI-GON : Most of them.

ANAKIN : Has anyone been to them all?

QU-IG0N : (laughs) Not likely.

ANAKIN : I want to be the first one to see them all... Ouch!


They seem to be discussing a single individual physically visiting every planetary system in the galaxy... ;)

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