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Actually the resurgant Nazi Party seems to have dropped all of the things that made it such a detestable party However they of course favour at least a partial dis-assembly of democracy.


AT present I would propably say that Americans interfering in Europe propably wouldn't come across very well because of the Well Known situation recently.


I Won't mention it because this place is at present a sacred sanctom free from political propoganda.


Some of those "old" British shows are still made especially Keeping Up with Apperances and the DREADED BUCKET WOMAN chuck her at any budding Adolf Hitler and he'd ben crying out for cyanide within 10 minutes.


Personally I prefer doing things outside and enjoying the abundant space and Nature that is the British Countryside.


Living on the Periphery of a major city/countryside gives you the best of both worlds.


Personally I liked Andromeda that didn't actually try to emulate a Star Wars like theme which I found profoundly refreshing.


is this Sanefidge anything like the infamous Jerry Springer since you don't have to have watched that to know it that is a very common example held up. Much like me and Imperium Galactica 2 which I think should be given the award of best RTS every created. Now if only Digital Reality was still around to make a PERFECT Imperium Galactica 3.


How paridoxical that the thread about the imminent death of the forum brings it back to life and becomes one of the most active in the place.

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Here here!!


Being outside and enjoy nature is one of life's great pleasures and luxuries. Not everyone can do it, nor do they know how to enjoy the outdoor. I am most fortunate to live right across the street from a beach, more or less on the Gulf of Mexico. I have made sure that I do what I can to give back to the environment here by volunteering my time by becoming a "Turtle Walker". During sea turtle season I walk a designated stretch of beach here on certain days and check for sea turtle nests. Its a great thing to do. It was fun until we had all of these hurricanes. But those were fun to, from a certain point of view.

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I Like where I live to.


I live in an area of outstanding natural beauty you look out the window and you see fields strech far out into the distance you can hear birds twiter and see horses dance around And when you go out the air is pure and clean and the sky is usually ( when it isn't raining) Pure blue with a nize breeze with it being nice and warm.


I think they should rename South Wellfield to The Garden Of Eden.


Who needs a telly when you can go out side and live life.


Isn't Florida on Hurricane Alley?

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Now I know you're calling it "Sanefidge" to annoy me. You can't deny you're doing that just to get me angry. And don't even mention Jerry Springer in the same sentence. Don't be lazy and look up Seinfeld using this fabulous invention called the Internet before you embarass yourself even more.


That's great you enjoy the outdoors. I don't mind it myself. But I can balance indoor and outdoor entertainment well enough to appreciate what each has to offer. Don't indirectly criticise me by bad mouthing TV. If Seinfeld isn't shown where you live, no wonder you don't watch TV.

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I'd suggest they try out Star Wars But I wouldn't try to INDOCTRINATE THEM like some have tried to with regards to TV shows. If you try to force your opinion onto someone else you'll more than likely achive the opposite affect to what your after.


Then also is the Term Ignorance is Bliss and if you didn't like a TV show you may even go as far to say you would have better of not knowing about i.

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I don't care for the fact that Hyperspace club exists.


It creates a group of elite within the star wars Comunity so I consider most Hyperspace Members Elitist and Facist.


However if they were to post a link to the EP 3 trailer My opinion could change especially in respects to them.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say it creates an elitest sub-class of Star Wars fans. However I'm not really of the opinion that it is really worth the money. If I was hugely interested in spoilers for ROTS I might think differently, but there isn't much grabbing my attention at the moment.


And I wouldn't be concerned about the trailer. It will be available for download from several sources only hours after it's Hyperspace release.

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I would agree with Lukesdad. I would also say that I have contemplated joining Hyperspace a few times, I mean its only 20 bucks. Then I realize everything that is on Hyperspace eventually and almost immediately comes here to the forums anyway so why bother. I think I haven't joined because it would required to much effort and its a waste of twenty dollars, in my opinion. If you want spoilers, go to the spoiler thread, they have lots of pictures and things like that. Or pick up the occasional Star Wars Insider magazine. (Or just flip through it on the magazine rack)

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

What about the snobs that go around saying "i've got hyperspace I'm beter than you"


Beleive me people like that exist and they deserve to be executed.


How many do you think they are? All of them? A majority? Fallacy. Just because some Hyperspace member pissed you off doesn't mean all of them are snobs. They're not the majority I can tell you that, in fact, it's safe to say they're a very small minority. Attacking Hyperspace won't let them go away.


If you're wondering, no I'm not a Hyperspace member. I just defend them against your fallacious accusations.

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

I don't care for the fact that Hyperspace club exists.


It creates a group of elite within the star wars Comunity so I consider most Hyperspace Members Elitist and Facists


Not really. In fact, Hyperspace is included in the official fan club now, which is also included in a SW Insider subscription. Once my Insider subscriptions ends, I can renew, and get Hyperspace as part of the deal.


As it is now, Hyperspace isn't worth it, but since it's included in the deal, I have no complaints.

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Like I have said elsewhere words often end up aquiring an additional meaning Facist has acehived the secondary meaning of being an insult with respects to being Snobish mean cruel and a few other things.


Let's see let's migrate to another topic Let us see.


Who's coming to the Forum Game this Weekend:D

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