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Just wondering something...


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Are Mandalorians humans or a different race? I mean, they look exactly like humans in every way but they're never refered to as humans, and if you ask Sasha (the stowaway on your ship) if she's a Mandalorian child she says no, and then you reply 'So you're human, you learned the language from somewhere though'

I'm confused:confused: it seems like Lucasarts (or Bioware?) don't know it themselves.

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You know this for a fact? What are your sources? And how do you explain that conversation with Sasha? And there's this other thing,

that guy named Jagi (a Mandalorian) who challenges Canderous to fight him on Tattoine says to your character: 'Big words for such a small human!' Like he wasn't human himself.

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That's what I've always thought really, I just got confused by that conversation with Sasha and a couple other things. It would be extremely stupid if two different species evolving on different planets turned out to look exactly the same, but I was thinking maybe Mandalorians were humans that had moved to a distant planet or part of the galaxy thousands of years ago and then evolved genetically into a different race.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by TheKnife

Maybe. But what would humans be doing in a galaxy far far away? And why does "galactic basic" sound like english?


Because Star Wars is Fantasy, that's why. In fantasy the inhabitants of the world/universe use to always have some kind of common language, which is English (or any language the franchise is translated to) with another name.

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Originally posted by Venom750

Yeah, you get pretty piss off if you had to read subtitles all the way through the star wars films.


That's what kids and other people in Norway who don't understand English have to do. But I definately prefer subtitles over dubbing, with subtitles people who understand English can still hear the original voices.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back to the original topic, Mandalorians are definitely human.


In the SW galaxy, humans are the most common race, but there are numerous offshoots of it -- Corellians, Bakurans, Alderaanians, Mandalorians, Naboo, etc. -- the list goes on. In fact, the entire Core Worlds area is populated by primarily humans.


From what little we know, it is guessed that the Mandalorians began as criminals and such who banded together and formed their own society (although there is little proof to support this one way or the other). It is known that their way began as "might makes right", and that the strongest and smartest of them rose to power and called himself "The Mandalore". Since the others were his followers, they became known as "Mandalorians".


The original Mandalore remained in power for most of his lifetime, finally being killed after the first Sith War involving Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma (okay - technically, it was the second Sith War, but the first one was called the Great Hyperspace War). After his death, another took the mantle of Mandalore.


The game takes place during the second Sith War, about fifteen to twenty years after the fall of Exar Kun. Of course, during this time, the Mandalorians began assaults on the Republic as revenge for the death of Mandalore and the fall of Ulic Qel-Droma. These assaults are called the Mandalorian Wars, and it is during this time that Revan and Malak turned to the dark side.


Anyway, it is assumed, then, that when Canderous refers to the Mandalore who led them against the Republic, he is referring to the second man to bear the title, not the first.


This all gets very confusing, because the first and second Sith Wars are collectively referred to as the "Great Sith War" which lasted nearly forty years, and the "Mandalorian Wars" were actually a part of the whole "Great Sith War" timeline.


The language "Mandalorian" is a dialect adopted by the Mandalorians. Most likely it began as a form of battle language, so that their Basic-speaking enemies wouldn't be able to understand them.


*Whew* Sorry, I totally geeked out there for a few minutes. Um... does that answer the question, though?

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Mandalorians may be stronger or physically superior, but it's due to years of intense training and conditioning, not genetics.


The reason Dooku wanted Jango Fett as the clone template was not solely because of his physical makeup but also because of his high intelligence and ingenuity - something the Sith prize.


I never understood, then, why they messed around with the clones' intelligence and thought processes - I guess they wanted weapons, but not weapons that could turn on 'em. Even the Arc Troopers got messed with, and they were supposed to be an army of Jango Fetts.


Heh - actually, some of the funniest moments in the Clone Wars graphic novels are when various Arc Troopers (especially ol' Alpha) inform the Jedi what they think of the Jedi's strategical prowess.


Anyway, Jango Fett wasn't born a Mandalorian -- he was raised by them. That tells me the Mandalorian strengths aren't by genetics, but by training and experience. Of course, that's 4000 years after KoTOR, so it may not apply to the Mandalorians of that time.


In the end, who knows? Even if Lucas told us, he'd probably just change his mind later.

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Mandalorians are human, but have 'evolved' to be stronger, and more hardy than your run-of-the-mill human. The planet there colony ship crashed on was named Mandalore, hence there name, and its harsh environment caused them, over thousands of years, to evolve slightly stronger builds than normal humans in able to better adapt to there home.

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Originally posted by Piece of metal

But you can understand english, and im pretty sure other people in norway can as well..


(Jag är från sverige, det funkar bra för mig.)


Man, this place is packed with Scandinavians. And everyone else is either from the UK or Canada it seems, at other forums I've been to it was almost all Americans.

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