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You can make a difference in politics, I just did

Nairb Notneb

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A group of seven people (I being one of them) have banned together and are forming a political action committee to basically watchdog our county and town council. Mainly our town council. Our town is a small, tourist town in Florida with a population of about 6,700 people. It has a town council (5 seats) and has a town manager that is hired (and fired) by the town council alone.


October is budget time here. The town proposed a budget increase from 10 million to 13 million, an over 30% increase. Yet our taxes were not going up according to them. You see our property values went up and yet our millage rates stayed the same ($1.00 per $1,000). Technically the town did not increase the taxes, but our taxes did increase by about 13% this year.


We fought it. The 30% budget increase was not needed. We went to the budget meetings and voiced our opinions. We contacted our town council members and wrote letters to the editors of the local newspapers. Our recommendations were to roll back the millage rate to $0.87 and to cut back the budget to its original state.


At the final budget meeting, the council voted unanimously to go with these recommendations. Our voices were heard and we were able to make changes and influence our local government. It can be done.

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