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help on manaan


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ok in the xbox version of kotor there is a duplicate cheat where you can duplicate items on manaan i was wondering if the same cheat existed on the pc version if so how do u get it to work


and before anyone posts that cheating is bad this is the 6th or 7th time playing the game its even possible i have played it even more times as i stopped counting after 5


i do disagree with ppl who can only play or complete a game by cheating but im just having some fun

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I think that it won't work in v 1.03, if not then you equip your characters with the desired items before going to the under water station (just before you get into the sub) section then before you go into the water unequip all items from your npc's and go through the door to the under water area and then walk back in, they should be wearing the items you took off them. I'm pretty sure this is how it goes, if I'm wrong on any part then let me know.

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