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Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!


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In the original cut of ANH, Han tells Chewie to lock in the auxiliary power twice, but I thought in the SE, one of those was cut. However, in the DVD version, he says it twice.


Am I mistaken about it being said only once in the original SE? The last couple of times I saw the original special edition was on TV, so was it possible that one of them was cut for time on the TV airing? Or am I just insane? (operative word is just)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I always remember it being twice, but I confess I did not watch ESB many times prior to the theatrical SE version in 1997 (I missed it in theaters in 1980).


In the SE it's always been twice, that I remember. In the original, who knows...

Umm, the quote is from ANH, not ESB... when they first encounter the Death Star.



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