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anyone tried to activate the Imperial Officer yet?


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Imperial Officer

- Blaster Pistol

- Orbital Strikes (without the use of a Recon Droid, so I'm thinking he used binoculars to target an area)

- Probe Droid (before there were Recon Droids)

- Health & Ammo Dispenser

- Ability to discover disguised enemies (not sure how this worked)


Bothan Spy

- "Advanced" Blaster Pistol

- Demolitions Kit

- Rebel Disguise Kit


The devs never went into much detail about the Bothan Spy, so that's all we knew about him.

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For those interested in the implementation of the Imperial Officer back into the game: Wait. Don't release things that are "unfinished" without finishing them first. Think. Why didn't Pandemic release the game with the Rebel spy or the Imperial Officer? There could be many reasons. But two strong possiblities could have been: A.) Didn't have enough time OR B.) After many changes and "cuts" in the production process those two units became useless because the counter unit was scrapped.


As I have read in another place on this forum the spy and officers special ablitiies were divided up and given to the pilot/other classes. After that major decision they both became quite weak and useless on the battlefield, rendering the subsequent decision to leave them out of the game. But in my opinion that shows that someone wasn't thinking outside the box or wasn't fully imaging the potential of these great classes.


I have a whole host of ideas about the Imperial Officer and the Rebel spy. Wait until I fully "draw" them up. With the changes that I will propose the gameplay in battlefront with the addition of these two classes can radically amplify. Wait my friends.



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Originally posted by TK-8252

Imperial Officer

- Blaster Pistol

- Orbital Strikes (without the use of a Recon Droid, so I'm thinking he used binoculars to target an area)

- Probe Droid (before there were Recon Droids)

- Health & Ammo Dispenser

- Ability to discover disguised enemies (not sure how this worked)


Bothan Spy

- "Advanced" Blaster Pistol

- Demolitions Kit

- Rebel Disguise Kit


The devs never went into much detail about the Bothan Spy, so that's all we knew about him.


I miss the disguise kit that was the coolest part of the demo, i could change into it right in front of them and they would stop shooting. That would be cool if someone made a "permanent" disguise kit, basically just copying the stormtrooper to the rebel team.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

And extracting the data from the demo is probably out of the question too (since there's no pc demo).


At least (for those who have it) you could use it to observe the behavior of the missing classes.


It says on the Lucas Arts official site that theres a PC demo coming soon. So if it has the Rebel Spy or Imperial Officer, or disguise kit you could swap these into the SWBF files.:)

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