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Problems playing JO in JA


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I am trying to get all the Jedi Outcast SP levels to work in Jedi Academy, but for some reason the Yavin Swamp and Yavin Canyon levels have a problem with the water. Instead of going into the water, the player just skates across it. You can noclip into the deep water and then turn noclip off and swim, but you cannot surface. This phenomenon occurs throughout the swamp level and through about half of the canyon level. Any suggestions? (Please be specific)



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Well if you have both games the answer is naturally "because you can."


Otherwise there's plenty of reasons:


1) More character animations.


2) New weapons.


3) New Force Powers.


4) Graphic improvements (like the stealth effect on the Shadow Troopers, the new shadows, saber glows, etc.)


5) Possibility of coop.


6) Messing around with spawns & such.

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I have gotten so used to all the added movements in the JA lightsaber system that to go back to JO is like being handicapped or something. IF you can get JO to work perfectly or close to it in JA it only enhances it. You get all the good things about JA with none of the bad things, because you're basically playing JO. Anyways, the Yavin Canyon level is playable because you really don't have to go in the water, you can just go up on the "shoreline", but unfortunately, the swamp level is pretty much unplayable this way. Too bad because I think it is among the best looking levels in the JK series.

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Mmph. I like JO's SP saber fighting better than JA's. In MP JO's is inferior, but SP it's soo good. I don't have much of a problem with only having a single saber though, although it's just a personal preference. :cool:


I agree, the swamp levels are quite fun to play. I loved those levels in MotS, and seeing similar ones in their glory in JO was really incredible.

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I dunno, the lack of certain force powers in JK2 SP really annoyed me, making it feel like they made the game that way to make it artificially more difficult (ie: frustrating).


I couldn't tell much of a difference between JA & JK2 SP saber combat, other than the new moves, though. Maybe the Katas and stuff make it too easy. But the variety of opponents makes it more interesting I think.


The SP adventure for both games is worth playing through, even if JK2's is "too hard" and JA's is "too easy."

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um....no. All I did was take the asset folders from JO and rename them so they could be read before the asset folders in JA. I did not change anything within the folders themselves, and with the exception of the cutscenes and some missing textures, there were no real problems up until the Yavin levels. Any suggestions on what I should/not remove from the JO folders to eliminate conflicts?

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I tried that a while ago, but I still seemed to have problems with some of the scripts and the like. For example, did you guys experience Jan not following you right away on the first level, and various elevators and cutscenes not working and things of that sort?


I'd love to know a solution for that stuff. I never looked into it much more back then...

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The scripting for Jan and Lando is messed up, but it doesn't affect gameplay per se, at least not to the point where the mission objectives cannot be achieved. There are areas where you must use noclip to get through doors or what not. I can't think of any bad elevators off the top of my head, but it sounds likely. Many of the cutscenes don't work properly and cannot be skipped. For this you must enter the cam_disable command in the console. This doesn't do it for the mid-game scenes such as the meeting between Kyle and Galak-mech or the first meeting with Desann, however. Those both happen right at the end of the level though. Mostly the game is very playable in JA; but this water problem in the swamp is putting a real crimp in things...

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  • 5 months later...

Did anyone ever figure this water thing out? I have found that the incompatabilities between JO and JA for the most part is scripting and maps. With a few minor shader probs.


Most things can be fixed through scripting but the biggest problem is JA not recognizing waypoints on maps and the brush/shader problem (or whatever, I dunno) on yavin_swamp and yavin_canyon.


I am sure a mapper out there has come across these issues. Is this a shader problem with the fog and weather? Or is it something else...:confused:

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