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Planethopping & HK-47


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I've been wondering for a while on which order to take on the different planets. Any opinions? Also, is the difficulty level of all the planets the same, or is maybe one or two more difiicult?


Also, I have another question... Which npc shares the funniest dialogs with HK-47? I'm just wondering so that I can pick those two and keep them around 'till I get their dialogs...



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I don't really have any set preference except for Korriban, I always do that last just so I...

can make Uthar bow to Revan (if dark) & slaughter the 3 who challenge you at the door back into the academy for not believing your Revan, not that, that part really matters. It's the dialog at that point thats really great


I just find that planet much more fun after you know the truth.


& the only time I've been able to get HK to talk to any other party member it's only been T3. Even then, there isn't but 1 or 2 in special circumstances IE; certain places on certain worlds.

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Yes the game difficulty follows the player level. However, what I noticed is that on Manaan you get a lot of "fixed" XP points when you complete side-quests and main plot contrary to when you kill a creature where the number of XP point decreases each time you gain a level.



Per example, if you kill those desert things on Tatoine you can get 500 XP if you are low level but later on you get something like only 150 XP for the same thing.



On Manaan, many of the points you get are fixed and their amount do not decrease with level so if you want to level up more quickly, I found that the best order was Tatoine, Kashyyyk or Korriban and keep Manaan for last or second last planet. Personally I prefer to do it as the second last planet and keep Korriban for the end because new dialogue options are unlocked.

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Originally posted by Prime

I believe the game adjusts the difficulty for each planet depending on how powerful you are at the time...

I would tend to agree, however I usually get the crap kicked out of me quite a bit if I go to Manaan or Tatooine first. For some reason, they seem to be just a little harder.
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Originally posted by Darth333

That's true: in the Desert of Tatoine you can die quite easily of you go there at the beginning but the XP you get when you do it early is definitely woth the trouble :)

Try going to Manaan first some time. Make sure that you purchase every stim and health kit that you can before you go into the Sith Base. There are about 7 dark jedi in there waiting to kick your @$$ around like a beach ball.
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Those lil' boys? Nemas problemas... :p


Anyway, as it happens I picked Manaan first. That's my luck...


Darth333, I don't think it matters if it's fixed, since if you're right on your theory, it doesn't matter when you do it, you always get the same XP... Right?


Actually going there first is a pro, since you level with all the XP you get and therefor it'll be... uhh. easier. :eek:


Actually I picked Tatooine second, which is good since I'll get high XP from those sand guys. Woopie. I'm level 12 or 13 now, IIRC. Reasoning for this choise is 1) HK-47, 2) Griff, 3) Helena.


Taking Korriban last sounds like a... eh, sound plan.



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Originally posted by Electricall

Taking Korriban last sounds like a... eh, sound plan.

I personally like to go to Korriban first. If you think about it a majority of your really cool alignment-specific items are there (Qel-Droma robes & Solari Crystal for LS, Marka Ragnos gauntlets, Sith Mask, etc for DS).


If you follow the "hinted" planet sequence (based on NPC banter and resulting side quests, etc) then you would have the following:


1. Taris

2. Dantooine

3. Tatooine (Bastila and Mission's side quests should be triggered by now)

4. Kashyyyk (Griff sends you there for the Tach glands)

5. Korriban (Carth's side quest should be triggered by now)

6. Leviathan

7. Back to Tatooine (Lurtz sends you there with "the Box" and Canderous' side quest should be triggered by now).

8. Manaan

9. Unknown World

10. Star Forge


The only "flaws" I've found (thus far) are the fact that you cannot go back to Dantooine to visit Kel Algwinn or Yuthura if you play LS, nor can you complete one of the Genoharadan missions (again, on Dantooine) if you play DS.


Aside from this, you should be able to hit all of your NPC sidequest with minimal play time if you follow this plan. Of course if someone has a better plan, I'd love to hear it.


I hope this helps.


EDIT: I forgot to mention Yavin Station. You only need to go there after Star Maps 1, 3, & 5, so that would be after Dantooine, Korriban, and Manaan.

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I like to partially complete Korriban before going other places. Then I can get the stuff when I'm weak enough to need it. Korriban works well as a last level. Those who have completed the game should know why.

Bastila can't be a party member on Korriban, because she would be recognized. You can't have Bastila with you when you get the last star map, as she is taken prisoner when you escape the leviathan.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

I don't really have any set preference except for Korriban, I always do that last just so I...

can make Uthar bow to Revan (if dark) & slaughter the 3 who challenge you at the door back into the academy for not believing your Revan, not that, that part really matters. It's the dialog at that point thats really great.


I just find that planet much more fun after you know the truth.


Just how do you do that? I'm on Korriban atm and I'm worried I'll be doing something wrong and miss that sequence.



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Make sure the revelation has happened & go to Korriban. Don't do the 'double, double cross' part fully, only to the point of telling Uthar about Yuthuras plan. Get the prestige & do the final test. Yuthura should say something about you siding with her, side with Uthar. Kill her, & he should say something about 'you being different' or something along those lines. The new dialog should open up, & the choice is there...


If you mean the other part...

Just kill Uthar & Yuthura, go back to the academy & there's the 3 students by the door leading inside. They'll challenge you & it goes from there..



Hope it helps....:)

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