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Putting the 'Wars' back into Star Wars Galaxies

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It's hard to believe it, but currently there's no 'Wars' in Star Wars Galaxies. It was withdrawn earlier in the year because it was broken. This was followed up by official responses stating that the development team were 'too busy' working on Jump To Lightspeed to worry about fixing the Combat system in game.


The community was in uproar, players left, mass protests built up to crash servers - and rightly so. YOU are paying with your hard earned cash to play this game. However, just before the weekend, the official website announced something major - an entire change to the combat system.


Although we won't see the final improvements until early next year (an entire year of waiting!), it does look like that the path to improving Combat is a good one. Alpha testing starts soon, and current players can apply to beta test the new combat system in the run up to the Holidays. Full details can be found on the Official Website.





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I'm excited, if for nothing else, the creature handlers. I was a creature handler to go with Bioengineer, but after a while I wanted to be useful.


I've heard that once this goes live, there will be some way to reallocate your skillpoints without going up the trees again (free professions if you will?) Any ideas on this?


I've never been much of a combat person, but I'd love to see CH viability in this patch, along with some new PvP fun. (If for no reason than to quiet the whining!)


Yay for DMUK's thoughful threads!

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if they slapped some credibility to the CHers in PvP and PvE it would improve alot. as of now PvP they are like having a fly tank for you and in PvE its not much better, but a TKM in composite can tank longer than them


if they do manage to sucessfully balance it, ill probably grind out CH again..

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