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Chronicles? *Spoiler Warning*


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Originally posted by Rat Boy

* = We didn't find a sarcophagus in Sadow's tomb in KOTOR 1, did we?

Not that I remember, that is a really good point, Rat Boy. :D


I must have been in there 100 times but the lack of a Sarcophagus never dawned on me, it had a Star Map in the chamber.


Possibly if we wish to persue a Sith path in TSL then we must find Sadow's buirial place and aquire his holocron or something.


*Gets all jittery with story anticipation*



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Originally posted by RedHawke

Not that I remember, that is a really good point, Rat Boy. :D


I must have been in there 100 times but the lack of a Sarcophagus never dawned on me, it had a Star Map in the chamber.


Possibly if we wish to persue a Sith path in TSL then we must find Sadow's buirial place and aquire his holocron or something.


*Gets all jittery with story anticipation*




Sadow's burial place is Yavin IV. maybe you go there... But I doubt it. Just why would lucasarts put in a chronicles section? :confused:

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Naga Sadow's burial place is on Korriban not Yavin IV? :eyeraise:


Along with his Sith brethren Ajunta Pall, Tulak Hord, and Marka Ragnos.


I believe Yavin IV is the burial place of Exar Kun.




in Sadow's "tomb" on Korriban, there is a MONUMENT to him, not a sarcophagus. If you've read the tales of the jedi comics, it clearly proves Sadow died on Yavin IV. Yavin IV is the burial place of both of them.

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

in Sadow's "tomb" on Korriban, there is a MONUMENT to him, not a sarcophagus. If you've read the tales of the jedi comics, it clearly proves Sadow died on Yavin IV. Yavin IV is the burial place of both of them.

Not in the Star Wars KOTOR universe, in KOTOR when you talk to Ajunta Pall's spirit he tells you that the 4 of them, Naga Sadow, Ajunta Pall, Tulak Hord, and Marka Ragnos, they warred with each other so fiercely that their fortress rained down around them and the 4 Lords are indeed buried on Korriban... also supposedly for KOTOR:TSL we are going to enter Sadow's actual resting place on Korriban as part of the story.


I suppose this is another case of conflicting EU stories, not the first time this has happened, and it will definately not be the last. :D


EDIT: I have not read TotJ. It makes me wonder why Bioware put his tomb and mentioned him on Korriban being they clearly made refrences to the Tales of the Jedi story several times in KOTOR, if Naga Sadow is buried on Yavin IV in that story, makes me wonder if they read it. I guess this is another case of WTH was Bioware smoking? :eyeraise:

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Naga Sadow warred with that other guy (I can't recall his name) and eventually fled to Yavin IV where he put himself into suspended animation. He stayed like that until Freedon Naad came and released hi. Sadow took him on as an aprentice, and it is rumored that Freedon eventually killed Naga. (I got all this from Naga's bio in the New Essential Guide to characters:p).


All that doesn't really matter as long as it makes the game better, though. I'm willing to play along:p. Also, all you JA lovers( :xp: ) must remember Korriban in all its glory from the last two levels of that game? Maybe we'll see more of that (though the sith might not have gotten that far in escavating).

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Yes but it was the Republic who decimated both factions and Sadow finally fled to Yavin IV.



The last two levels of JA were well detailled and I found them quite good looking.


However, it sucks:xp:


There's something odd though. Why would the Sith build Naga Sadow's tomb on Korriban just to put a monument in a small room and a Star Map in the main one?

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I think this is not a case of the developers screwing up, it's simply you all taking it far too literally and far too truthfully.


First off, Ajunta Pall was a Sith and died a Sith. A Sith is all about evil. Therefore, it's very possible that Ajunta Pall is a liar. And he would have a good reason to lie, assuming he did. Also, remember that the afterlife of a Sith is very different from that of a Jedi. Kind of like the whole "Heaven and Hell" concept. Thus, even if he wasn't lying, he may actually not know and is only telling them what he thinks happened.


Also, look at it from the characters' POV. Korriban and the Sith as a whole were never fully developed. Much of their history and the details really don't exist so they're pretty much a mystery. That said, NOBODY really knows the truth behind the Sith. It's very possible Naga Sadow's "burial" on Korriban meant something else entirely. Although Tales of the Jedi do prove he died on Yavin 4.


I don't think it's a mix-up, it's just the developers putting more into the mysteries of the Sith.


Another thing. Just because the website mentions Naga Sadow doesn't mean he has anything to do with KotOR II!! You all try to find too many connections and jump to conclusions too easily! Naga Sadow is a HUGE part of the history of the Jedi and Sith conflict, therefore, it's pretty obvious why they mentioned his name!


Geez, they could have an article on Andrew Dice-Clay and you'd all be asking "Is he a character in the game?" :D

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

So they wasted their time to write up a summary of the story of Naga Sadow just for nothing?


Umm... okay they never wasted their time.


Look at the big picture here. What significance do the events of KotOR have on the galaxy? The answers obvious, it's just another huge war between the Jedi and the Sith, something that's gone on for a LONG time. Now, Naga Sadow. Which what makes him famous? He fought in the Great Hyperspace War. How does the Great Hyperspace War connect to the events of KotOR? GHW was the first war between the Jedi/Republic and the Sith. Therefore, it's a huge part of the history of the galaxy, the Jedi and the Sith. And because it's the first war against the Jedi and the Sith, it is one of the things that led up to the events in KotOR.


The point? It's HISTORY. It's called the Chronicles of the Old Republic because it's aim is to summarize the history of the Old Republic in terms of Jedi vs. Sith. It does not say Chronicles of the Game KotOR. Thus, it doesn't have to have ANYTHING directly to with the story or characters of KotOR, because all it's trying to do is tell the big-picture history of the ongoing battle between the Light and the Dark. It actually doesn't connect any better than that. And no, it wasn't a waste of time!


Think simply! Not everything has to be so seamlessly connected. Think simply. Simply.

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Originally posted by SentinelRivers

No there were many before him. I can remember seeing somewhere that he went to Yavin IV to seek out the ancient Sith Lord Temples (he was a Sith at the same time but no Lord).


Are you sure ?? Based on KOTOR I think all the four Sith Lords

in Korriban were from ancient times (maybe thousands of years

befoce the events of KOTOR)


But Exar Kunn on the other hand died just before the war with

the mandalorians begun... (Jolee fight against him/his sith and

lost his wife to him...)

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Don't know, they might have mixed things around a bit but there are Sith temples on Yavin IV.


Not sure on the timelines but the Yavin Temples must be about the same, if not older.


Found this on the SWDatabank:


"His pride did not have the boundaries that his instruction did. Eager to ascend beyond his Jedi abilities, Kun abandoned his master and journeyed to the strife-torn world of Onderon. There, he encountered the spirit of Freedon Nadd, an ancient Sith who gave him further instruction."


" Following examples of ancient Sith Lords that preceded him, Kun came to the long forgotten Sith temples of Yavin 4."


Not sure on the timeline in relation to KOTOR with these but you might be right.

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