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Favorite Spams


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This forum is dedicated to everyone's favorite spam e-mails. Whether they're warning about people waking up in seedy motel bathrooms without their kidneys, or promising to add inches to your naughty bits, spam e-mails are a great source of amusement (and an unending source of annoyance.)


My favorite spam so far is the one from the "Nigerian businessman" who wanted me to hold on to several million dollars and then I could keep a few million for myself. I actually responded to the e-mail with made-up information, knowing full well that this guy was a total BS artist, just to see what would happen. And the guy replied, so I e-mailed him again. He didn't respond a second time. However, today I just got an e-mail from a "Saskatchewan banker" that is a very similar scam. Apparently some old lady who had an account at his bank just died and left no next-of-kin. So this "banker" wants to send all of her money to me. All I have to do is send him my bank information. Pretty convenient. And I'm sure I can trust this guy, seeing as he completely disregards the rules of grammar in his e-mail.

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Originally posted by daltysmilth

This forum is dedicated to everyone's favorite spam e-mails. Whether they're warning about people waking up in seedy motel bathrooms without their kidneys,


That was a mobile phone thing right. My friend actually called the number on that for fun and it ended up saying something like "Don't be like me with no kidneys, get a better monthly deal today by ringing this number." and so on and so forth.


If you want my spam emails, My hotmail box usualy has one or 2 emails from my Daily Dilbert and then about 11 others offering my bigger naughty bits (as you say), better insurance and get rich quick by selling all your clothes.


This is why I now use a gMail account.

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That was a mobile phone thing right. My friend actually called the number on that for fun and it ended up saying something like "Don't be like me with no kidneys, get a better monthly deal today by ringing this number." and so on and so forth.


I never received that one. I was talking about the classic urban legend, you know where a guy(girl) meets a hot girl(guy) in a seedy bar, and he(she) goes back to the hot girl(guy's) apartment, and when he(she) wakes up, he's(she's) in a seedy motel bathroom covered in ice, and there's a sign on the mirror saying "Call 911, We've Taken Your Kidneys".

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A close friend of ours get's my favourite spam.





<Huz> Best spam ever


and of course,


<Huz> I get the worst spam ever

<Huz> Here is a sample

<Huz> Free Cable%RND_SYB TV

<Huz> interception tramp fibration antipode patina audiovisual expatiate condensible lagos chromatin buyer pearlite sparta alder earthquake litton senate pow workpiece hanover elope

<Huz> billion kenton compelling serene audrey bey cascade keddah swap cassius arrhenius deferring nineteenth bulkhead budget heckle eccentric delicacy battelle panhandle comply critter polyhedra machine consultant elan arcsine cadaver cupid

<Huz> WTFFFFff??// Even stupider because there isn't a link to be seen


Though I did find this one I got amusing:


sender: up the elbow

subject: watch her get worn like a glove!!


I like how they send emails from random names on the off chance you know someone by that name and open the email. But it's never "John" or "Dave" or common names like that, it's always "Alfonso" or "Markus" or something. Good work. And I once got a spam offering me a "free name brand vibrator!" - obviously instead of those crappy ASDA versions I suppose.

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