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MMORPG magic systems


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You know...I've played a lot of RPGs and normally it's all the same, stand still....some color glows around your hand, and the opponent just poof...catches on fire, or something.


I recently got EverQuest2 and, well, pretty amazed on some of the stuff they pulled.


Unfortunatly, I don't have a video of everything...but like...if you buff someone with a thorn damage shield, you actually see thorns come out of them. Not some floating graphics, but literally, right off their model. When someone gets iced, you see and hear cracking ice shards grow out of them, and each one slowly starts to evaporate and make a mist into the air.



I'm really liking how games are starting to get away from immobile casters who only move there hands. Here's a video of my enchanter taking out a dangerous foe called a "deer" :o


Love how he puts his staff away, as well.


Please note, this is on the LOWEST graphics settings.




If you can't view it, well, I'm sorry, heh.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

sound quite nice..........hopefully upcoming RPGs we all are looking forward to will boast such things too... :D


*Jade Empire

*Morrowind 2

*the new Zelda game on GC

*NWN 2

*Final Fantasy 12


etc !



Hey! What about Dragon Age?!? :D


RP: Nice. You must be low level. :D

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Everyone is low level. EverQuest2 was just released a few days ago. Highest level I've seen is level 16, and I'm level 15.

Of course. I wasn't trying to be irritating; it's just funny how much hand waving and calling down of fire is needed to take down a deer. Should've just used a bow, RP. :D
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better animations are always welcome, but i hope they improve the way the magic PLAYS as well.


This whole MMORPG thing of loads of buffs, stun everthing then pick it off one by one gets old very quickly. I wish someone would come up with a varied, dynamic, TACTICAL magic system that was actually fun to use, not just repetetive.


I thought that warhammer online looked like it might have the most interesting magic system, but it got cancelled. It was supposed to work something like:

Players didn't have mana pools, each area had a mana pool that refilled at a defferent rate and to different maximums. Players channeled this magic through their bodies to create spells, but too damage from this process. The harder the spell, the longer it took and the more damage it cause the caster. Players also had an efficiency rating, and each casting would release some "waste magic" into the area. If too much of this built up then weird things might happen, like the summoning of demons to attack the caster.

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Originally posted by toms

better animations are always welcome, but i hope they improve the way the magic PLAYS as well.


This whole MMORPG thing of loads of buffs, stun everthing then pick it off one by one gets old very quickly. I wish someone would come up with a varied, dynamic, TACTICAL magic system that was actually fun to use, not just repetetive.


I thought that warhammer online looked like it might have the most interesting magic system, but it got cancelled. It was supposed to work something like:

Players didn't have mana pools, each area had a mana pool that refilled at a defferent rate and to different maximums. Players channeled this magic through their bodies to create spells, but too damage from this process. The harder the spell, the longer it took and the more damage it cause the caster. Players also had an efficiency rating, and each casting would release some "waste magic" into the area. If too much of this built up then weird things might happen, like the summoning of demons to attack the caster.


EQ does things called a combat wheel..which uses group tactics wich individuals. Someone starts a heroic opportunity, which brings up the wheel The center icon is the heronic opportunity, and the outer icons that show up are chain advances. The color of each icons shows what class it's for, and the picture of each icon shows what type of attack it is. Someone in the group has a few seconds to attack with an icon of their color and use that attack that it wants. If someone doesn't, or uses a wrong attack, the chain is broken and ceases to work until the next heroic opportunity. One someone advances, the chain is open and more icons appear. Which ever is blinking is what needs to be done next. If a chain is finished, an effect happens for the group. More damage, group heal, group buff, whatever.


Example. The video shows a combat wheel. I started a heroic opportunity, and it brings up a red square with a hammer, a lightning bolt, and a coin. I'm the only one in the group, so the only one I can advance is the red lightning bolt. Red = mage. I then use a spell that the lightning bolt represents, and the chain advances. The flashing icon that shows up next is a red star. Red means mage, so that's me, so I cast a spell that the star represents...an area of effect spell. I only have a few seconds to do this, so I cast my area of effect, and since that's the only icon left...the chain is complete, and a huge area of effect spell comes down with twice the power.



Far more than just cast....stun....cast....stun. If people just randomly do special attacks, they will break the chains.

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Originally posted by Redwing

There is NO such thing as "Morrowind 2". "Morrowind" itself was "The Elder Scrolls 3". So the next game is "The Elder Scrolls 4", and it's called "Oblivion", dammit. :D


Cretins :xp:




sorry, your majesty........next time I will do meticulous research before insulting your Morrowingeekiness :p


I actually havent played MW, Im having enough trouble finishing NWN, its been over a year since I actually started it ! *sigh* where does one find the time, between work and wife swapping parties ;)




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