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I Need Help


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I just got Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic for my Xbox. After I started a new file and played the game for a while, my little brother played the game and somehow over-wrote my file.


If you could let me know how to create another file without over-writing my little brothers I would be greatful. (By the way, neiter of us saved the game on our own, It auto saved itself).


Thanks for taking time to read this. :bdroid2:

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Well, I suggest deleting the KotOR save from your memory card, but more importantly, you posted this in the wrong place. Look under "X-Box Version", this forum is about the upcoming sequal, KotOR 2 (and its full of pivitol KotOR spoilers; run!).:)

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Next time post your questions concerning KotOR 1 in the appropriate section of the forum please. For technical questions, go to The Work Bench.


The Telos Tourist bureau = Comments, questions and general discussion of the upcoming game Knights of the Old Republic II, The Sith Lords. Threads containing spoilers need to be marked as such with a

tag, or might be deleted.


You have a description of the forum sections on this page: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=321 please read it before posting ;)

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