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All I want to know is this:


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Can you cut people's hands/arms off with your lightsaber this time around? I mean, it's just not "Star Wars" if someone doesn't get their arm lopped off. ;)


Maybe something for the modders to work on if Obsidian left such a glaring mistake in the game...

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While there has been no official statement on this(and I dont really think they will), I find it doubtful dismemberment will be possible.


This kind of thing does not fall in line with RPG style, and having dismemberment(Even without blood) gets you an automatic M rating, which does not fall in line with Star Wars games, and would greatly reduce the number of fans(many of whom are under 17) who could play this game.


want bloody dismemberment? play JKA with the mod, and start chopping up some stormies :D

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