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Bastila Shan in KOTOR2


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1) Your own sex (the PC's, not your's personally) has nothing to do with seeing Bastilla.


2) The disciple's message to Carth, I am 99% certain, is a glitch - not really a bug. You may also notice that he speaks in the wrong tense or person or something when you talk to him on Dantooine. Can't remember exactly wich it is.


3) Bastilla doesn't appear when Revan was DS, because Carth doesn't even appear, save the glitch mentioned above. I am not 100% certain if Bastilla appears after you speak to Carth if Revan was a female - just don't remember.


4) Regardless of when, where or how she appears, she has very little screen time, so don't get too excited about seeing her again.


It's funny, the one charcter that I wanted to see the least was Carth, and aside from the PC characters that return, he has the most lines of any KOTOR1 PC. Somehow, another guy I didn't really want to see much of - the gay exchange boss - made it back in as the TSF guy. What he's reformed or something? I don't get that part. I gotta' say, I thought he looked much better in pink though.




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As for our favorite Masterhood-seeking, kinrath-pup-faced Jedi, I think Bastila should be in a future K3 and have A LOT more importance than in K2. I was really looking forward to see her again in K2, but there was just like, 1 or 2 cutscenes.... Carth got a lot more appereances XD That's outrageous... and also, if the

Exile was supposed to be the last Jedi... well, after Kreia killed the other masters (I was SO SHOCKED when she did this!! I just kept poking at the corpses sides hoping they would wake up and give me some jedi propaganda speech... but no, they were dead for good), but if so, what about Bas? Isn't she a Jedi too? And a famous one, for that matter? Wouldn't the Sith Masters seek her out? She wasn't even fleeing, just staying in Telos... at the end, in Malachor V, Kreia said some lines referring to Bastila's - LS Male Revan's relationship that almost made me shed a tear. It was kinda...


" And, like you, Revan knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks. It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did."




Well, not kinda, that's exactly how it went. Grabbed it off the dialog.tlk file.... which has some surprises, by the way... (found some lines referring to Bastila as a playable character?! I'm going nuts or what??)


EDIT: And again... they keep referring to her as both Bastila and Bastilla... it should have only one "l" in it, right?

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Hmm, I played as a LS female, and had Revan be a LS female and I got this:



After the Ravager, when the exile meets with Carth, at the end of the conversation, he asks the exile if she sees Revan, to tell Revan that Carth is waiting for her. When I read that, I just went "Awwww!" I rather liked Carth from KOTOR I, and thought that was soooo sweet. :heart3: Hey, it was better than the romance(s), or lack of them, the women got this time around.


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  • 1 month later...

Ok this is rather confusing with all the spoiler tags around how exactly do I...

get Bastilla AND Carth in the telos thing? Is it some alingment setting with Revan and your PC or am I going insane? Another thing I dont understand is why the first time I played KOTOR2 I said with Atton "Revan was man not a woman blah blah balh..." but the game kept refering to Revan as a woman! Any ideas? :confused:


I fit matters I have only completed the game 3 times, Can you get the "scene" on Telos after you beat the game 3 times or is it a "one time oppurtuniy"?

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Originally posted by The_Maker

Ok this is rather confusing with all the spoiler tags around how exactly do I...

get Bastilla AND Carth in the telos thing? Is it some alingment setting with Revan and your PC or am I going insane? Another thing I dont understand is why the first time I played KOTOR2 I said with Atton "Revan was man not a woman blah blah balh..." but the game kept refering to Revan as a woman! Any ideas? :confused:


I fit matters I have only completed the game 3 times, Can you get the "scene" on Telos after you beat the game 3 times or is it a "one time oppurtuniy"?


Its like a bug i said revan was a female and still got people saying she was a he it happens, about seeing bastila in the game read the above it just depends what you tell Atton when you first meet him.

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