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Hot Shot of the Month


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Hey guys and gals...


Just a small nit-pick/question. On the starwarsknights.com frontpage...the Hot Shot of the month pic. Does it ever change (the icon I mean). I noticed if you click on it, the screenshot you get isn't the same thing that the icon portrays...


I understand you're busy with updating the Site for TSL...was just wondering if it will change to represent the Hot Shot you'll see when you click on it in the future....


Like I said, nit-picky and insignificant...just wondering


[prepares to dodge the flying pickles hurled at him] ::ducks::



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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Hey guys and gals...


Just a small nit-pick/question. On the starwarsknights.com frontpage...the Hot Shot of the month pic. Does it ever change (the icon I mean). I noticed if you click on it, the screenshot you get isn't the same thing that the icon portrays...


I understand you're busy with updating the Site for TSL...was just wondering if it will change to represent the Hot Shot you'll see when you click on it in the future....


Like I said, nit-picky and insignificant...just wondering


[prepares to dodge the flying pickles hurled at him] ::ducks::




I know, I just seriously lack time to take care of all this. I asked for screenshots sometime ago at Holowan but no one has sent me anything :( ...oh that's not true, I just got a bunch of screenshots by e-mail two days ago ;) I just need to format them. Will do it between xmas and the New year.

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Originally posted by Darth333

I just need to format them. Will do it between xmas and the New year.


Kewl, but please don't think I mentioned it just to give you more work. Like I said...was just curious (you know me HTML freak...hehe). By all means PLEASE enjoy the holidays rather than worrying about such a minor detail...


ChAiNz.2da --> :stick: <-- swk web pplz


The site is great...and frankly I'm pretty sure ppl would be more interested in the TSL content you gals & guys are working on for the site rather than some screenshots. We can always post in the screenshot thread ;)


Great Work! :thumbsup:

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I asked for screenshots sometime ago at Holowan but no one has sent me anything


But you've got the entire screenshot thread of screenshots!


Unless it's an issue of permission, in which case yuo at least have permission to use any of mine. :)


Here are some other mildly funny/cool shots too:




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