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Getting Past a Big Lizard [Spoilers]


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On Malachor V, you get to the place where the giant doors close behind you and a giant lizard appears, that Giant Lizard kills me with one hit everytime.



How do you proceed in the game?


Do I just run past him looking for an exit or what?


Any suggestions?

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what class are you? I was sith maruader at that time so it was much easier for me, try using stims and all the buffs you got on you. also plague really helps againest him.

lol I remeber when i first fought him, man it was funny cuz they show him all the way across the map and im like "oh another one, how many of these lizards do I have to slaughter?" well...force leaping at him was a bad idea as I soon found out I was the size of his fist:eek:

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Redhawke, how come YOU get stuck in KotOR after making those uber ennemies in planet Ord Mandell and the shop on Tatoine? LOL! I killed the Lizard with one hit :D (ok, I'm exagerating: maybe two hits).


Depending on your skills, you could use stealth and set mines or try changing your companions - T3-M4 is amazing at killing ennemies in one shot with this Ray thing (never tried it on the lizard but it should be efficient).

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Originally posted by Darth333

Redhawke, how come YOU get stuck in KotOR after making those uber ennemies in planet Ord Mandell and the shop on Tatoine? LOL! I killed the Lizard with one hit :D (ok, I'm exagerating: maybe two hits).

:roleyess: Well... I have like 400+ VP and it one hit kills me, just like a certain Tarisian Sewer Rancor does. That's why I'm stuck. I could take the Trandoshans I made just fine, it's the Giant Lizard that is giving me a headache.

Originally posted by Darth333

Depending on your skills, you could use stealth and set mines or try changing your companions - T3-M4 is amazing at killing ennemies in one shot with this Ray thing (never tried it on the lizard but it should be efficient).

Ehem... that must be the wrong lizard you are talking about here as I don't have any companions at this point, it won't let me, I'm solo only.


The cutscene plays and the Ebon Hawk crashes on Malachor V it sticks me alone outside and I cannot add party members.


EDIT: If this is some sort of bug I will be definately returning the game! And waiting for the better PC version that I can fix! :mad:

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As Sith Marauder, I barely used saber. Force crush a couple of times, then force storm. Finished him off w/ master critical strike. Another key is backing him into corner. All big bosses need ample room to attack, so they will walk away to open distance. You can chase him to wall/corner, & get close enough to wallop him over & over, with him having no chance to attack back. That is the easy/cheesy way if you are playing w/ non-guardian/marauder & strength/vitality is low. Good luck!:laughing:

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