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M1 VGA CD version + music

Edward V Helgen

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Dear person who can help me:


I have M1 VGA CD version but I can't find the way to play it with music. I've read that the cd brings the music and you have to have another set of speakers to the CD player. Other toungs says that the CD brings sound tracs that are played while you play.

When I tryed all that and didn't work I started to search info about it. And I discovered SCUMMVM. But I don't know how to make the music work.


Can You help me??? Can Anybody??


Edward V Helgen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Download scumm VM q+e (found here) and run it through that. Please note, after downloading the program (I think you have to go on the download page to find it) run it and click on daily build to get all of the scummvm files in the right place (download the other scummvm files if you want). And then sort out your options and run. If it still doesn't run after you've done that, go into the original scummvm (not q+e), find the game and click play (or run, i forget) and options set up in q+e would have stayed with it,but for some reason, scumm vm runs games when q+e doesn't.


If you're unsure on the setting for it, I chose High Quality 3X graphics and FM towns sound. Juts find the path and everything else should run.

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Edward, that problem had happened to me too. I have downloaded Scumm too but i cant use it correctly to make the sound works but i have one solution.


If you insert the cd of monkey island in your cd-rom drive and you play monkey 1 from pc or cd, you can be sure the sounds will work, sure.


So have luck!

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by erik8543

I have a downloaded version of MI1

First mistake. Don't do it, don't talk about it on an forum for fans. However pissed they may be about LucasArts' policies.


Originally posted by erik8543

floppy disk and I can get music using scummVM, however I cannot get any voice whatsoever. Can anyone help?

It's a floppy version for crying out loud. FLOPPY!! Use your brains.

How many games from 1990 do you know that have voices throughout?

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i apologise for telling the truth. I had no idea this forum banned people for saying they got the game for free. I got this username to find out the problem, and I appreciate your help. If you want to ban my strictly for this reason, go ahead. It's not like I'm distributing it on this site or anything.

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  • 2 months later...

Slim chance you solved the puzzles without a walkthrough.


I have M1 VGA CD version but I can't find the way to play it with music.


I have MI1 vga floppy disk and I can get music using scummVM, however I cannot get any voice whatsoever.


You stupid motherfucking asshole. Still took you 2 months, huh?

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