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The One Year Thread Redux

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bleh. can't get broadband. taking stupid hunter safety course in the 2nd week of september, saving for some rifles and gonna blow up some wildlife. in the meantime, i'll be fishing, and when i'm not doing either, i'll be working 50+ hours a week w/pizza hut and walmart. prolly gonna work both places for 4-6 months then look for a 10-12 an hour job, since i should qualify as a hard worker. -_-


my life is so dull and boring without my internet access. just opens my eyes to how lonely i really am.

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Sport hunting with RPGs... Sounds like a gooooood time! :D


Kinda like deep sea fishing with depth charges. Wheee!


I still haven't bought any of those older Genesis albums (much to my shame, Ike) but I'm pretty sure I'm going to soon. I've been getting burnt out on music lately. I really could use something new (at least new to me...) to open my ears again.

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i can't believe i'm using aol right now. it took me about 45 minutes just to log on.


I'm reading the chronicles of narnia books. hopefully disney pulls off making them into movies...i still have my old bbc collection if it doesn't. XD

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Nah Ike it's been crap well, lets see, we've had it a year, it's been crap for a year now. We got Comcast Cable, the computer in the den getting the main cable line while I fed of that one with a wireless router, Belkin to be exact. Damn thing would just keep disconnecting and reconnecting, sometimes my system wouldn't even recognize the wireless router I had, and it'd do that minutes at a time, hours at a time, sometimes days. Basically I'd have to reinstall the software each time.


So come a few weeks ago, I discovered Comcast wasn't actually installed on the system, so we install that....problem still exists. So finally I was like f it, and got an Ethernet card for my computer (Again, Belkin....pattern? I'm guessing so) and installed it, got a a multi router for all the computers in the house (three).....and the damned thing still connects and disconnects at will. The connection to the den computer is fine, sure there might be a slight probelm every month or so, nothing that can't be solved within five minutes. My grandfather swears its my computer, which I frankly don't believe because my 56k works fine on here, can leave it on as long as I want and no problems. This on top of the fact we've had two seperate computers in the den, one much older than mine and a newer one, both constantly connected.


And that's my crappy cable internet story.

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  Rogue15 said:
well i got a decent number to connect to now, and it's fast enough for lucasforums and instant messenger, so i'm content.


What version of AOL are you using? If it's 9.0 (or any of the variants thereof), uninstall it *now* and switch to 8.0... They should be on the 9.0 cd. Just make sure hidden files and folders are visible and start browsing around the CD... Eventually you'll find a folder labeled "AOL 8.0", and in that folder, just run "setup80.exe" to install 8.0. Much more stable, and less of a resource hog on older systems since it cuts out some of the pointless stuff like superbuddies and AOL's spyware protection... It's great for your average AOL member, but I'm assuming you're smart enough to already have a 3rd party anti-spyware app, so it's just burning your CPU time.

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Probably the modem. Is it Comcast supplied, or did you buy it yourself?


I would get someone out there for service, ASAP! For what you are paying every month (if it's anything like my cable internet bill...) there's no reason you should ever have to live with crappy service.


You could also go to DSL Reports and try a few of thier tools to see if some setting didn't get changed somewhere.


Other than that, all I can think of is to unplug (from the PC, cable line, and AC power) all the networking gear, delete all the network settings in the control panel, reconnect each piece of gear one at a time and let Windows re-install all the drivers for everything and re-configure the network settings, and see if that improves anything.

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  Rogue15 said:
yeah it's 9.0, =\ came w/the pc....don't have any aol cds around. :( it only seems maybe half the speed of broadband, websites don't take but 20-30 seconds to load up, lucasforums seems like it's on dsl.


That would be the AOL Top Speed accellerator.


If you can't find a cd at a retail outlet, download AOL Canada's 8.0 version from http://www.aol.ca/software.adp. You should still be able to get connected as long as you install and sign on as an existing member until you can get your hands on a cd.

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  Scar Da Kookee said:
bah, i see em all the time flying lower :p


That one was under 500 feet. My camera just made it look small because it sucks. And I doubt you see them all the time, since there's only fourteen of them in the entire world. So ha.


I got back from Avon, NC after a week. It was meh. I've seen the beach before. The section of the Outer Banks between, like, Rodanthe and Avon is like some sort of Mad Max no man's land. Its a good 25 miles of sand dunes. This is the satellite of where I was http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=Avon,+NC

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I'm leaving for Florida (West Palm Beach) tomorrow morning to visit my dad for two weeks.


Should be a good time... a hot and sticky, and occasionally hurricane-filled time,.. but a good one. ;)


Unfortunately, I'm going miss the installation of the new console at work and the dismantling of the old one. Oh well... If I didn't take my vacation now, then I don't think I would have been able to take one this year... and I REALLY need this vacation!

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well, pizza hut went good today....we're not opening til the 29th though...this 'italian bistro' style food is goooooooooooooooood. and in a month or so i'll really know how to cook, not just pizza either. pasta!! XD now i gotta go get ready for 8 hours at walmart. i keep forgetting what day it is.

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I didn't really like the beaches in the Outer Banks that much. The sand is way too granular and full of shell fragments. Its not much fun to stand in the water without some sort of shoe on and have all the bits of rock and shell pelt your legs. And if you want do something in the water, you almost need to have something on your body for when you fall down and get all scrapped up like my knee did when I fell down after the ocean pulled the sole of my sandal off, leaving me with the tattered remains of the part that holds it on your foot.

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  Nute Gunray said:
I didn't really like the beaches in the Outer Banks that much. The sand is way too granular and full of shell fragments. Its not much fun to stand in the water without some sort of shoe on and have all the bits of rock and shell pelt your legs. And if you want do something in the water, you almost need to have something on your body for when you fall down and get all scrapped up like my knee did when I fell down after the ocean pulled the sole of my sandal off, leaving me with the tattered remains of the part that holds it on your foot.


I've never experienced anything like that at the Outer Banks. The sand was always fine and the water never had junk in it like that. I hope this year isn't like that...

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