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KotOR II Influence Guide


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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Naturally it won't work every time, but there should be a couple of points in the game where you do something bad, Bao-Dur sounds like he disapproves, and then Kreia sounds like she disapproves as well. You ask Kreia what she would have done, and then agree that her idea is the best course of action, and then you gain INF with both and lose INF with Kreia. Doesn't happen all the time.


One time it happened with me with Atton that I can remember was on Telow, when I broke into the apartment and that guy yelled at me for stealing his stuff. I got this effect when I killed the guy.


I had that work on the Kumus (Missing Mandalorian) quest when I used the detonator to kill Kumus - Bao-Dur kind of reacts the way that Atton does (without Kreia around) when you randonmly kill someone (something about how he acts when you act/kills when you do, etc.)


E.g. "I don't know what came over me!" or something similar.

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I hope this is allowed but there is another way you can gain INF with Kreia,

On Datoonie after

you find the 3 dead mercs in the enclave and you go to the cave where the mercs have Vrook held captive you should follow these dialogue options...


"That Jedi belongs in his cage"


"That force field wont hold him, hes an elite master" (or something close to that)


"Let me make some adjustments so he'll have a harder time getting out" (or something like that)


The merc captain will then give you some credits and warn you to NEVER come back or tell anyone about their operations or ELSE. After that Kreia will automatically talk to you about the "echo" of what you did will travel great distancs through the force etc. I think that gains INF with her, but I cannot remeber if you gain DS points or not. (I imagine you would because, after all you ARE after all aiding in securing a Jedi :rolleyes: )


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I don't know if anyone has done any digging around in the .dlg files, but I thought it worth sharing that there are two different "styles" of influence options. (I use the word "styles" because I can't think of a better word to describe it right now).


The first is "hard coded" into the dlg and will only affect certain members of your party. For example the dlg with Tarn (mechanic on Dantooine) is hard coded so that you can gain INF with either Kreia or Atton by following the Awareness/Persuade options when speaking to him.


The other "style" is more global. In fact the script name is a_gbl_dreact. This global style is fired based on the results of a dialog and with affect INF in different ways depending on who's in your party. For instance if you Opo Chano you will gain INF with Atton, but lose INF with Kreia. Same result if you had HK-47 and Disciple in your party instead. The INF triggers are not tied to specific NPCs in the dlg.


I have recently used a few of Tk102's tools to pull out and document each of the games INF options. I'm just about finished with my project. All the planet-specific dialogs have been sifted through, but about half of the party NPC specific dialogs remain. After I'm finished with that I'll probably copy/paste together a LS/DS Dialog Walkthrough.


If anyone is interested in seeing the planet-specific options, let me know and I'll post it up.


Thanks for reading.

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  • 2 months later...

Most people dont like Kreia and even though she's a collection of code i feel a certain respect for her character.


So can anyone please tell me what happens in the end and/or why the jedi masters said i dont have a connection to the force and that they cant feel it ?

Furthest ive come is land on malachor and then my pc crashed (completely) and im playing it again now.



To stay on topic i have a question about when you save the commoner on nar shaddaa with Kreia by your side, what choices do you have to make to gain influence with her?

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I don't want to ruin the game for you so I will not address any of your storyline questions even though you asked. Meanie, aren't I? :D


As for the influence question, I'm assuming that you're referring to the commoner outside Tienn's shop. If so, and if I recall correctly, there is no opportunity to gain INF. It's been a while since I dug around in that .dlg but I'm pretty sure my recollection is sound on that.


Your best bet is to finagle no shift in INF.

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Another INF gainer wih Kreia is when you are in the Jedi Enclave... a you come across the room with Jorran, lie to him and tell him you killed the laigreks. he will then get pwnd by 1 or 2 laigreks and Kreia will then speak to you about the echo that you created.


You will get:

Lightsaber parts (or a lightsaber if you have already built yours)

Dark Side Points

+Influence With Kreia





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  • 2 months later...

Here the spoliers to the storyline questions. Hopefully, i did the spoilers right...



The jedis say you lost your connection to the force because of the death of thousand of jedis and you don't want to bear their dying screams inside of you so you made a choice to cut yourself off of the force. For that and thinking you are the death to the force, the jedi tried to cut off your reconnection to the force until kreia came and kill them.



Back to topic, I remember there another easy inf when you traveled to korriban and kreia say she should stay in the ship and only reply with," Ok then, secure the ship" Or something like that and you should get inf with her after and some lightside points(if darksider choose," I don't want your company anyway." then you get darkside but lost inf with her.

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Here is some Influence stuff


T3-M4 (all INF+ are LS points)


(Ebon Hawk) Computer Skill must be 10 or higher

choose [Computer] "You're deliberatly avoiding answering" which leads to: "I just want to make sure your alright" INF+


On Telos before you leave the Academy:

"It wasn't your fault they took the ship, T3"


"Look, I'm just glad I found you"


Ask how the Ebon Hawk is:

"Good job, glad to hear it"


"T3, I really appreciate your help"


After you speak to Atton and learn that T3 is responsible for the astrogen system:

"No, I'm not planning to leave you behind, but it happens"




All killing of innocents are INF+ as long as you tell him it was the right thing to do




Killing innocents will be INF- regardless of what you say




(Personal Experience) When I got Mira, I got all of the INF+ from inside the Ebon Hawk


If Mira was tempted on Dxun (in the Sith Temple) and she fights (+suceeds) then say "You always had that strength, Mira" INF+


If you keep trying to learn about Mira's emotional backround she gets PO'ed at you and next time you talk to her say:

"I wanted to apologize" for INF+


"Still, I'm sorry you lost your family at Malachor" for INF+

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