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"Most Powerful Jedi Ever"

Boba Rhett

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The duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan begins in the conference room on Mustafar and eventually leads outside. During the duel there is a lot of dialogue, about how Obi-Wan never trusted Anakin and such. Obi-Wan begins to be seen as the dominater of the duel before Anakin grabs Obi-Wan and chokes him over the table (we've seen this shot in the teaser trailer released in November). When the duel does go outside there is a LOT of shouting. Anakin's anger is one of the reasons why he takes over as the dominant combatant in the duel. Volcanic eruptions become more and more violent and begins to interfere in the duel. Anakin then starts to Force throw everything available at Obi-Wan. Again, words are exchanged as the fight continues. Obi-Wan, for a time, gets the better of Anakin as the Chosen One lets his emotions get the better of him. Eventualy duel progresses to a slope, where Anakin's emotions really get the better of him...




Thanks swsaga. :wavey:

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