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Favourite line in KotOR 2: TSL? (spoilers)


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I have only played it for somthing like 8 hours and already i have found what may be my favourite lin in the game.


In one of the first conversations you have with handmaiden, you talk about jedis who love and the exile says "It's called pulling a Bindo." This line cracked me up but whats your favourite line?

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Bao-Dur on Nar Shadaa, about the bounty hunters.

"I think he wants us to give up the General to his poorly trained assembly of bounty hunters." "I'll take the stupid one, that decided to threaten us instead of shoot us when he had the chance."


In Bao-Durs emotionless and matter of fact voice, that was great.

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Originally posted by Drazin

Bao-Dur on Nar Shadaa, about the bounty hunters.

"I think he wants us to give up the General to his poorly trained assembly of bounty hunters." "I'll take the stupid one, that decided to threaten us instead of shoot us when he had the chance."


In Bao-Durs emotionless and matter of fact voice, that was great.

I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that one :p. Atton's response to your female PC's announcement that she has located clothing is pretty humorous as well.
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Originally posted by Drazin

Bao-Dur on Nar Shadaa, about the bounty hunters.

"I think he wants us to give up the General to his poorly trained assembly of bounty hunters." "I'll take the stupid one, that decided to threaten us instead of shoot us when he had the chance."


In Bao-Durs emotionless and matter of fact voice, that was great.


This is the same one I was going to mention. God, I laughed for a good 5 min after he said that.

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On Nar Shadaa the second time you come across two excahnge thugs hassling some guy for money you can use force persuade and tell them to jump into the center pit. One of the thugs says something about how its a faster way to get the ground and then the two monkeys run off to jump to thier doom, funny stuff.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Hmmm, Maybe the speech Kreia gives when you meet up with all of the council near the end.


Without furthur ado...the scene...


*Kreia walks in*

Kreia: Enough!

*Forve Wave*

Kreia: Step away from him.

*Vrook gets up, steps forward*


*Force Wave*

Kreia: Step away! He has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm him. You will not harm him ever again.

Kavar: I thought you had died in the Mandalorian Wars...

Kreia: Die? No - became stronger, yes.

Vrook: Is this your new master, Exile? If so, then you follow Revan's path. Her teachings wil cause you to fall as surely sge did.

*Zez-Kai Ell activates lightsaber*

Zez-Kai Ell: We sought to lure the Sith out...and now they have come to us.

Kreia: As you would pass judgement on him, I have come to pass judgement on you all.

*Kavar and Vrook activate lightsabers*

Kreia: Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Mandalorian Wars? Or all wars, of all tradgedies that scream acoss the galaxy? Let me show you - you, who have foreseen the galaxy through the Force.


Kreia: How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy - faced war and death on such a scale. If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side - it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death. Revan knew of such places...and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others...of Jedi, promising them power, and turing them to the darkside. Did you ever wonder how Revan corrupted so many of the Jedi, so much of the Republic, so quickly? The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion. Culminating a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk from...save one. And that is what I sought to understand. How one could turn away from such power, give up the Force, and still live. But I understand what happened now.

*leans over the Exile*

Kreia: It is because you were afraid.


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When Atton, Kreia and your PC are discussing about the Handmaiden who wants to join you...


Kreia: I've had enough of this. I'll be in my chambers.

Atton: Yeah, me too. I'll be in my chambers.... but since I don't have any, I guess I'll just go to the cockpit as I always do :mad:


Jajajaja.... I actually didn't get to see that scene, cause I played a female... but I incidentally came across the soundfiles in the game folder ;) along with these ones...


[HK is torturing an HK-50 unit to make him confess the location of the HK Factory]


47: Command: You will talk.

50: Defiant Statement: There is nothing you can do to me. Do your worst.

{Being electrocuted}Agonized Exclamation: Ah, my photoreceptors! My photoreceptors!

47: Statement: I shall up the charge to your circuits next time. Now answer the question.

50: {Just electrocuted, a little weak}Posturing Statement: I will never talk.

47: Statement: Then I will have to settle for your screams.

Atton: {Watching HK torture the droid, shaking his head, disturbed}That is one sick droid.


{The HK-50 unit screams in a most comical way}


47: Statement: My prisoner has revealed something of interest. Allow me to share it with you.

Statement: The facility that is creating these cruder, unsophisticated versions of me is located on Telos. I propose we go there and turn it into a smoldering crater.


Hk.... uuuuya... say it again.... HK! uuuuya HK! uuuuuya!! (replace "HK" by "Mufasa" if you don't know what I'm talking about....)

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maybe the most funniest thing is adding the Removed Upgrade to HK-47.... it makes him, nice lol its soooo funny hes like


"Statement: Ah Master, so Very nice to see you again, can i get you something? because that is what im made for, to serve my master in the most conveinent ways."




and then you reply "Um, that really isnt right, maybe i flipped the wrong switch"


Also when you ask the Handmaiden why she dont trust atton and ask her if she dont trust him over pazaak and then, and then you hear him fighting with T3-M4 about pazaak and she says "That too." lol


then my favorite of all, when you get back from Kreia's Quarters after cheacking her hand, Atton says "So hows that old witch? she still aging?" then you can reply "Cryptic as aways." lmao


then last but not least, a few minutes after my favorite atton says "So how old do you think she is? because she must have looked good sometime." then you can reply "Did you take a blaster hit when i wasnt looking?"



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Another good moment is on Nar Shadaa.


When you get to the Refugee Landing there's a human who's getting hit up for owed money by two aliens.


He diverts their attention to you suddenly, saying that you have the money and ran late.


You have several options available, but if you have something like Force Pursuade, you can tell the dumb aliens they don't need the money. That they hand over their weapons and credits. After that, you tell them to jump the rails into the center pit.


The human sees this, freaks out, and runs away.


Good way to get fun Dark Side points!


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There are a lot of very, very good examples of good literacy on K2:


-Visas Marr, if she is DS, after entering her cell on the Ravager:

"(...) form the destruction of this planet, there shall come great power, my eyes shall be hate, and my hands revenge..."




-Mandalore's classics: "And don't let yourself killed, before I tell you..!" - "That one had it coming"


Or the speeches and sarchasms of HK-47


Or the remote answer to GOTO, when Bao Dur is upgradind him..


And finally the glorius speeches of Kreia when she defends you against the Matsers (LS), or the final farewell on Malachor ("You're precious to me, Exile...)


Most beatiful dialogue I have seen on a videogame on a while.

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Some of HK-47's dialog I got yesterday;


Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself.


Brings to mind Carth in KotOR1, shooting his blasters at Malak, shouting "Down you go!".

(Malak naturally deflected them easily, Force Pushed Carth to the ground, then Laughed Evily. "Ha ha ha!")

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  • 2 weeks later...

THere's a few good ones in your first conversation as a female character when you first meet Atton.


"Atton-Nice outit,what you miners change regulation uniforms while I've been in here


PC-I'd keep those eyes up and tell me who you are...


Atton-Look,it's not like you half naked intteregation isn't a personal fantasy of mine but..."


And a few minutes later


"PC-Looks like soem survey gear,and a mining uniform


Atton-Dammit...Uh,I mean good,good to hear it. No sense in you running around half naked. It's,it's didstracting...for the droids I mean"


And most of HK-47's lines are classic,especially when he's talking about his past "Silly Jedi" :p

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HK-47 discreption of his former masters whimpering companion takes the cake!




{Weary, like talking about bad relatives}Statement: Oh, yes. My master had quite the collection of tortured individuals that seemed unable to confront their basic personality conflicts.


Let me cite some specific examples.


Mockery: "Oh, master, I do not trust you! I cannot trust you or anyone ever again!"


Mockery: "Oh, master, I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I think we should go press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together in the cargo hold!"


Conclusion: Such pheromone-driven human responses never cease to decrease the charge in my capacitors and make me wish I could press a blaster pistol to my behavior core and pull the trigger.


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