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force crush

monkey joe

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Doesn't Force Crush replace All levels of Force Choke? If so, doesn't it seem like a waste of force points to spend them on Force Choke if you can Get Force Crush Eventually without having to spend any points? I'd rather just use Wave, Plague and Lightning as Offensive moves until I get Crush. But that's just me.

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Doesn't Force Crush replace All levels of Force Choke? If so, doesn't it seem like a waste of force points to spend them on Force Choke if you can Get Force Crush Eventually without having to spend any points? I'd rather just use Wave, Plague and Lightning as Offensive moves until I get Crush. But that's just me.



No it doesn't replace them, you can play with them both and laugh maniacally.

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yeah it's really lame that the equivalent LS power to Crush is Enlightenment. Enlightenment is pretty useless. They should give you one of the following:

1. Disarm - Pulls the weapons from all opponents within 15 feet (excluding lightsabers, of course). Pulled weapons disappear; you do not receive them, and they do not become weapon drops.

2. Sleep - If an opponent(s) fails a will save, he falls to the ground. He looks dead, however, your reticle shows that he is still 'red.' You can continue to attack him as he lays on the ground. If within 15 seconds you don't kill him, he gets up and moves with severely reduced speed, severely impaired accuracy and reduced will.

3. Mob Mentality - an uber form of mind trick, you have a limited amount of control over up to five opponents, if they fail a will save. They become allies, and will attack opponents for 30 seconds. After this time is up, they are paralyzed for 12 seconds, giving you the opportunity to dispatch them before they turn on you.

4. Force Spirit - Your player 'transcends' crude matter for 30 seconds. He becomes a transparent blue ghost, and within this time, he moves faster and cannot be hurt by melee weapons. Energy weapon and lightsaber damage taken is cut in half, as is damage taken from offensive force attacks.

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

yeah it's really lame that the equivalent LS power to Crush is Enlightenment. Enlightenment is pretty useless.


I don't think so. If you have all of the boosting powers, you can get them on with a single turn. Much faster and efficient then wasting several turns trying to activate them.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I don't think so. If you have all of the boosting powers, you can get them on with a single turn. Much faster and efficient then wasting several turns trying to activate them.


Yes, but what if you don't have any of the boosting powers? As a Jedi Master, I find little use for Force Valor, and even less use for Force Shield. If I have Master Heal and The top level of 'force encourage allies" (or whatever it's called), i'm pretty much set for battle. So i find those other powers overkill at best.

So why would i want another power that adds together a bunch of powers i don't need?


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Man, what's with the dissing of Force Enlightenment.. :confused:


If you've spent your points wisely, Force Enlightenment is the end all be all...


Say for example with Speed, Valor, Shield...

Activating FE I get:



grants me boosts to my abilities, which means upped saves, more damage, better defense, more hp, higher skill modifiers...



Extra Attacks, Better Defense & fast as hell ;)



Take less damage (if you can even hit my pc after all the other boosts)


Stack all of these together and I can guarantee my opponent won't live long enough to use Force Crush or Master Heal... They'll be down in less than 2 rounds... Why 2?, because it takes me only 1 round to activate it ;) hehe...

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

Yes, but what if you don't have any of the boosting powers? As a Jedi Master, I find little use for Force Valor, and even less use for Force Shield. If I have Master Heal and The top level of 'force encourage allies" (or whatever it's called), i'm pretty much set for battle. So i find those other powers overkill at best.

So why would i want another power that adds together a bunch of powers i don't need?



That's because you don't know their advantages as ChaiNz explained or else you would know how useful it is.

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Originally posted by cASe_SenSiTive

Force Enlightenment is a fine concept. But as easy as the game is already, I find it fairly useless.


Exactly! I understand the concept of Force Enlightenment. I understand its advantages. But by the time I receive it, it's pretty much moot. I'm way too powerful to even need it. I'd rather have some kind of neat offensive power, because the Light Side is sorely lacking in those.

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

Exactly! I understand the concept of Force Enlightenment. I understand its advantages. But by the time I receive it, it's pretty much moot. I'm way too powerful to even need it.

No argument from me there ;)

beancounter's Hardcore Mod is a much better balance, and if I remember correctly he's working on a scalable version which has a daunting "Insane" setting... many fun times will be had with this one I'm sure....

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

I'd rather have some kind of neat offensive power, because the Light Side is sorely lacking in those.


Apart from immobilizing powers which we already have with Stasis you aren't going to get an offensive Light Side power, that's just not how the Light Side works. If the Light Side had more offensive powers the replayability factor wouldn't be as high - Dark Side is for offense.

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