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Who would you cast?


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Imagine a feature film made of The Sith Lords... here is a first go at casting the parts:


Kreia -- Faye Dunaway

Atton Rand -- Christian Slater

Darth Sion -- Jason Statham

Carth Onasi -- Alec Baldwin

Lt. Dol Grenn -- R. Lee Ermey

Jana Orso -- Heike Makatsch

Luxa -- Denise Richards

Bao Dur -- Eric Bana

The Last of the Handmaidens -- Keira Knightly

Handmaidens of Atris -- Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen

Atris -- Michelle Pfeiffer

Visas Marr -- Jessica Alba

Disciple -- Jude Law

Administrator Terena Adare -- Jamie Lee Curtis

Captain Zherron -- Michael Wincott

Jorran -- Kris Kristopherson

Master Vrook -- Jack Palance

Mira -- Neve Campbell

Hanharr -- Shaquille O'neal

Master Zez-Kai Ell -- Mickey Rourke

Goto -- Michael Palin

Mandalore -- Kurt Russell

Queen Talia -- Rachel Weisz

Ganeral Vaklu -- Tim Curry

Kiph -- Edward Norton

Dhagon Ghent -- Michael Ironside

Mastar Kavar -- Michael Keaton

Malak -- Vinnie Jones

Bastila Shan -- Kate Beckinsale

Darth Nihilus -- Rob Zombie


Don't take it too seriously...

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Originally posted by Drazin

Thats a good list.

Good names on there and would fit well for their roles. Especially Shaq, since he wouldnt be able to talk and screw things up.




Hehehehe.......lol........I love it.


I'd put Gena Rowlands as Kreia, LeeLee Sobieski as Handmaiden, Liv Tyler as Visas, Alan Howard as Nihilus (the voice of the Ring from LotR I), and Sean Bean as Carth.

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lemme comment a few:



Atton Rand -- Christian Slater(I say Tom Cruise)


Carth Onasi -- Alec Baldwin (could work)


Bao Dur -- Eric Bana????


The Last of the Handmaidens -- Keira Knightly (or Liv tyler)


Handmaidens of Atris -- ???? (jsut use FX.. one person can play riplets easily)


Atris -- Michelle Pfeiffer (Maby Cate Blanchet would be better)


Visas Marr -- Jessica Alba (good choice - Visas does have a big mouth)


Disciple -- Jude Law (Hmm...maby..or Christian Slater)


Administrator Terena Adare -- Jamie Lee Curtis (good)


Mira -- Neve Campbell (???)


Hanharr -- Shaquille O'neal (LOL..great)


Master Zez-Kai Ell -- Mickey Rourke (???)


Mandalore -- Kurt Russell (excellent)


Mastar Kavar -- Michael Keaton (erm...not bad)

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I'll post my own comments


Kreia -- Faye Dunaway(I would go with Sara Kestelman herself)


Atton Rand -- Christian Slater(I would go with Nicky Katt himself)


Darth Sion -- Jason Statham(Is it just because he's also bald? :D )


Carth Onasi -- Alec Baldwin(great choice)


Lt. Dol Grenn -- R. Lee Ermey(great choice)


Luxa -- Denise Richards(but she's such a bad actress...)


Bao Dur -- Eric Bana(not sure. I would go with Roger G. Smith)


The Last of the Handmaidens -- Keira Knightly(Hell yeah. She would be great for the half-naked fights with her :naughty: )


Handmaidens of Atris -- Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen( :lol: )


Atris -- Michelle Pfeiffer(good choice)


Visas Marr -- Jessica Alba(Kelly Hu. nuff said)


Disciple -- Jude Law(meh, he's in so many movies, it has gotten boring to see him. But I can't think of anybody else)


Jorran -- Kris Kristopherson(Kristopherson is a tad too serious. Christopher Walken would make a nice Jorran)


Master Vrook -- Jack Palance( Ed Asner. nuff said)


Mira -- Neve Campbell(I would rather go with Angie Everhart...but that's for other reasons then acting skills...ahem)


Hanharr -- Shaquille O'neal(anyone can do Hanharr.)


Queen Talia -- Rachel Weisz(I would go for somebody with a more middle-eastern look)

Ganeral Vaklu -- Tim Curry(errr maybe not.)


Kiph -- Edward Norton(I just can't picture him as Kiph)


Bastila Shan -- Kate Beckinsale(Hell yeah. Too bad she stars in so many crappy movies.)


Darth Nihilus -- Rob Zombie(anyone can be Nihilus)

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Originally posted by starmark2k

Ellderon do the ??? mean you dont know who they are or what were you thinking?


AHEM.. I was commenting...


In the parentess I wrote eitehr my own suggestion, commnet on teh actor he chose or ??? for "no comment.. can't think of a better one anyway"

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Anyone know where I can find screenshots of these smaller role characters?

You'd think Google would be your friend here, sir. :D


Back on-topic:

You know, Visas's insanely large lips remind me of Angelina Jolie...

And Judi Dench gets my vote for Kreia. She'd be great at all those speeches. :nut:

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