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Help from TSL force power scipters


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Hello. I was just wondering, if anyone would help me edit these force powers:




Force crush

Force storm


Drain force

Force wave




This is what I want each to do:




I want it to do more damage, and drain more life


Force crush=


Do more damage


Force storm=

make them fly backwards, and

more damage


Drain force= It never drains force so I want it to


Force wave= do more damage!


Thank you!



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I'm no great scripter, but since you haven't yet received a response, I'll throw in what help I can.


Most of those things are actually pretty easy, even without any real knowledge of scripting. You need to have Kotor Tool the modified version of nwnsscomp.exe (check tuturial threads for links to these).


Using Kotor tool, extract the files nwscript.nss, k_inc_force.nss, and k_sp1_generic.nss (these are under bifs/scripts/scripts source). Put them all in a folder with nwnnsscomp.exe.


Now open k_inc_force.nss with the Text Editor tool in Kotor Tool, and use the find function to find the force powers in question. If you're only looking to edit existing properties (damage, duration, etc) of a force power, then it's very intuitive. For instance, this is the damage line in the script for Force Wave:


SWFP_DAMAGE = Sp_CalcDamage( oTarget, 0, 0, GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF) + GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF)/2 );


Now I'm no scripting expert. I honestly couldn't script my way out of a paper bag. ;) But it's pretty obvious here that the power applies damage equal to the caster's level multiplied by 1.5. You could increase that fairly easily, any number of ways. The easiest, though, is simply to alter the multiplier. You could do something like this:


SWFP_DAMAGE = Sp_CalcDamage( oTarget, 0, 0, GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF) + GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF) );


Just by removing the '/2,' you improve the damage by 33%. It's a pretty simple thing, really, just to pick out the lines in a given force power script that determine damage, and to figure out how they're doing it.


Once you've made all the changes you want to make, save k_inc_force.nss in the same folder with the other script files and with nwnnsscomp. Then open your command prompt (assuming you use windows), and, after switching to the directory, type:


"nwnnsscomp -c k_sp1_generic.nss"


(Without the quotes)


That'll give you a compiled version of the generic include file. Then copy all of the script files, including your newly compiled k_sp1_generic.ncs, into your override directory. I realize that this post is a little sparse, and if you want more info, I'd be happy to post again later. But as I said, I'm no great expert. Hopefully someone with more in-depth knowledge will peek into this thread.

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Originally posted by LuxDragon

Could someone tell me how to extend the time on Force Powers then?


The sticky for this doesn't help since it's geared toward KotOR 1 and all the scripts has changed. I really don't wanna break anything here...

I don't have k_inc_force.nss with me right now but I've look at it and if you want to extend force power time, it works exactly the same way as Kotor 1. Check this thread: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=126018

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Originally posted by LuxDragon

I did and that's the one I can't understand. Especially last part about "compiling" any changes.


I just want Speed to last a little longer here...


Here you go. I've edited Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed, and the 'speed' portion of Force Enlightenment to have a duration of 180 seconds (as opposed to 36). This is one I use myself, since, after a playthrough or two, I get sick of walking so slowly. ;)


You should be able to download it here


Hope this helps.

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I tried a hand at modding all the powers the OP suggests. It seems I had success, just from about 15 minutes of testing.


Click here to download.


Changes made (also in the readme file):


Drain Force used to be capped at level 10. Now it is capped at level 20.


Death Field is capped at level 20 as well. The damage was also raised from 1-4 per level to 1-6 per level.


Force Lightning is almost identical, except that now unresistant targets will be pushed back as they fry. ;)


Force Storm's damage was increased from 1-6 per level to 1-8 per level. It also will push unresisting targets away from the caster.


Kill will really kill now, assuming the target doesn't resist the power. If the target DOES resist it, then he will take the same damage that he took before (1/4 of his life). In that sense, Kill is now a much more all-or-nothing power.


Drain Force, Improved Drain Force, and Master Drain Force now drain significantly more, assuming the target(s) has enough force points.


Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed, and the speed aspect of Force Enlightenment have had their durations increased from 36 seconds to 180.


Force Wave's damage has been increased by 33%.


Hope this helps.

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Okay, minor fix.


Because the damage for Force Lightning and Force Storm was being applied instantly, there was a side-effect that any 'killing shot' wouldn't knock the target back.


I've fixed that, and updated the files linked above. Anyone who has already downloaded the files should do so again if they want the fix. Sorry about that.


Gotta say, Smallz, that was an excellent idea to have lightning knock them back. I've had a lot of fun while testing, running around zapping things into walls. ;)

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Juha Avery:


I honestly forgot about Force Crush, because I can't imagine anyone actually wanting more damage from this power. It's 1-10 per level, uncapped, and it's unstoppable damage (bypasses every defense). A successful saving throw cuts the damage in half, but the target still has to go through that animation that interrupts their attacks.


I'm not sure what to do with it, frankly. As it is, even on the hardest difficulty setting, Force Crush is basically a default win against any boss.


I'll think about it. I admit that all of these changes make the powers unbalanced, but I tried to make it at least semi-playable. At least Kill doesn't do as much damage on a save.


Smallz: Looking forward to hearing your comments.


LuxDragon: Hm, yeah Force Scream's damage is pretty underwhelming. It looks like it's set up to be primarily a debuff, and a damage power second. Unfortunately, combat in Kotor II so fast-paced (and, frankly, easy) that debuffs are almost entirely worthless.


I'll think about this one too. I'll look over the scripts when I get home tonight.

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