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Darth Nihilus' Appearance

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It is a mask. When you have Visas in your Party when confronting Nihilus she will take the mask from his body after the battle and you can tell her to bring it to you. You can't equip it however, but it gives you additional force points.

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That's funny, but I wish we could've seen what his real face looked like. You know, to see why he needed that mask. Also, is he human? Because if he wasn't, then that might explain it, but my guess is that the dark side mutilated his face a tad bit worse than Sion's, that his hunger isn't actually for the force, he's looking for a new face! Like the headless horseman and Ichabod Crane!

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Originally posted by Augustus_Leto

That's funny, but I wish we could've seen what his real face looked like. You know, to see why he needed that mask. Also, is he human? Because if he wasn't, then that might explain it, but my guess is that the dark side mutilated his face a tad bit worse than Sion's, that his hunger isn't actually for the force, he's looking for a new face! Like the headless horseman and Ichabod Crane!

Maybe - like Revan - he didn't really need it, but it just, like, looked cool an' stuff. Kinda like True Lies:


"They call him the Sand Spider."


"Probably because it sounds scary."



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